Thank you for all your Git Well cards, my pelvic splanchnic ganglion is indeed better after the colonic irrigation treatment, as you can see:
Try (American Music Awards 2012)
I maybe a pedagogue but I’m not dogmatic (I just have a hangdog expression).
It is not about us, but the Maori people.
As one venerable elder stated, more than a century ago, "Taia o moko, hei hoa matenga mou" and for those of you co-habiting in Southern States and therefore unfamiliar with anoxic hypoxia, I thoughtfully supply a translation at my own expense…
Inscribe yourself, so you have a friend in death).
Well I cannot agree more, or less; unless you consider less is more!
And I think all who agree with me and have tattoos will...Say DINGo!
So howza it gowing wid youze all?
I maybe a neophyte in the poker game that is Mexican politics and I still don’t know the correct way to address a man born in Scotland – is it, ‘Scottish man’, ‘Scotsman’ or A.N. Other?
After all, is ‘Scots’ not plural?
Anyhoo, notwithstanding the fact that many Canadians cannot differentiate between, ‘Subsidence’ and ‘Substance’ I urge y’all to support the change of name of Mexico to err, Mexico!
As Ima sure y’all know when the country gained independence from Spain in 1821, it officially became known as Estados Unidos Mexicanos. The name was chosen in a kinda homage to the United States and has remained unchanged ever since. Thank you.
I would also like to make clear that Wandels delightful daughter was not responsible for the change to the latest Hollywood blockbuster, ‘Red Dawn’ – you know the one where the Chinese launch an attack on Washington State and are only defeated by a brave bunch of Walt Disney characters.
Well, so as not to block the sales in China; all the baddies are henceforth to be known as North Koreans! I have not yet had the opportunity to enquire of Tsar his feelings, but I share his outrage!
Rocky dude, you say you’ve been flying solo for seven years! Heck son, that ain’t nothing.
I was flying solo in my teens, first with crop dusters, then with the Mail service and onto Top Gun.
Just remember these simple rules and you’re good to go…
Basic Flying Rules:
1. Try to stay in the middle of the air.
2. Do not go near the edges of it.
3. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees, protuberances of a rocky kind and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there.
Hell, in them thare days I had so many accidents the Air Investigation Agency used to say my girlfriends legs spent more time in the air than I did! Ain’t that right Mismi?
Ground Control: "123DG, bear to the left, disabled aircraft on the right."
Pilot: "123DG, Roger, I have the disabled aircraft in sight, but I don't see the bear yet."
More from my ‘Don't get wise with us’ file:
A captain tries to make light banter with Sydney, Australia, Approach Control ...
Captain: "Good morning, Sydney, this is United XXXX, we're 50 miles out and have your island in sight ..."
Approach: "Roger, United ... you're cleared to circle the island once, then try to land."
A young Southern pilot wanted to sound cool on the aviation frequencies. So, this one time he was approaching a field during the night time. Instead of making any official requests to the tower, he said: "Guess who?"
The controller switched the field lights off and replied: "Guess where!"…Sum of a B…h!
Ah, sweet Sherry; how utterly delightful you have returned and have brought with you a new crew member. I always knew you were the one most likely to succeed.
Nonce Words by Seamus Heaney -
The road taken
to bypass Cavan
took me west,
(a sign mistaken)
so at Derrylin
I turned east.
Sun on ice,
white floss
on reed and bush,
the bridge cast
in an advent silence
I drove across,
then pulled in,
parked and sat
breathing mist
on the windscreen.
Requiescat . . .
I got out
well happed up,
stood at the frozen
shore gazing
at rimed horizon,
my first stop
like this in years.
And blessed myself
in the name of the nonce
and happenstance,
the Who knows
and What nexts
and So be it.
Seamus Heaney received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1995.
Thank you kindly, and if my present disposition searching for the cave dwellers of the Central Sahara Desert precludes Crossing the Yuletide Rubicon; may I wish one an y’all a very healthy, safe and happy Festive season with your loved ones and a revitalizing New Year.
Remember, remember, the 25th December – Deuteronomy states you are not to eat of the Ossifrage or the Glede!
Although if the fancy takes you, you may eat Pygarg….. Enjoy!
Good news everyone; Izzy’s team Southampton, has moved out of the relegation zone.
This remarkable turn of events proves Darwin’s theory; there is indeed – evolution!
Ps. keep dry Captain;