Ahhhhhh, thank you ((LettyBetty))
I do love our Mr Buble. Thank you Letty.
So, little fella is home and he fell asleep within minutes

- bless him - he's such a tired lad after a busy week at school - gosh, school is big huge work these days, scary. I was watching him whilst he slept... he is the image of his brother... such a doubletake! I think he's beginning to grow - he looks taller
Doc's decided to put me on some different antibiotics - I oughta be a huge lot better by now but I'm still rattling and not quite as right as I should be; docs not happy about my progress... so hopefully the new ones will make a bigger difference. My doc is fab, he does worry about me - his teeny little fella is one of my school kidlets and unfortunately, his lad's also been off school all week... so we're all in the same boat. Much worse for a kid when they're poorly tho - such a shame.
Oh, and brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... it's flippin' freezing outside - literally - chilly chilly chilly and down into the minuses. Gonna be a big hard frost tonight - the sunset was gorgeooooooous tho - the mist was right down in the valley and man, it was stunning.
Okeydokey - off to get a nice hot cuppa, catch ya later x