Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2011 12:03 pm
apres ski for SBoy from me. Razz
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2011 02:09 pm
Oh.my.gosh! What amazing pictures from S-Boy's trip! So glad you posted them. There is so much beauty in this world, and we will never have the time to see it all. A big thank you for posting them so we could see some of that beauty through S-Boy's eyes.

Izzie, I just read your post from Friday. Made me laugh! I have such a sweet pic in my mind of you up dancing. A night of all of us dancing the night away would be just too sweet!

Dutchy - I don't know what the yabber-liner would do without you. You help keep our smile on with all of your kindness. There is so little of that on A2K at times.

Tryagain wrote:

Brooke baby, are you sure you can spare the time to talk to all these kind folks coz you know I iz coming back home soon.

Yes, yes, dear Try! I have extra time right now. Now hurry home sweetheart. I have LOTS of work for you to do before Christmas! Don't forget all my presents!! Oh, and a little booze cuz you iz gonna need it!

I am off to the kitchen to do some baking, but I wanted to put up the ship's Christmas tree first. In the spirit of pink, of course.


With lots of bulbs..


One week from today. Amazing how time flies.


Grab a drink and sit by the fire.

Enjoy what is left of your day!

Love xo
Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2011 02:16 pm
Amazing stuff Brooke, you're so thoughtful, a tree in pink, you have an amazing heart for one so beautifull. Please be gently with the booz and tryagain, he's just come off the wagon and I don't want him to see revert back to his old habits. LOL My day is just starting, enjoy your drink, will catch you before X-mas. (((Brooke)))
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2011 05:02 am
Morning Crew

Babbbbbbbbbbbbbbling - a beautiful tree for our ship - and the poifect colour for the strength we all share. Thank you babygirl - i love you (((((Brooklyn)))) xox

(((((Letty))))) - have been thinking of you and holding you close in my heart ((((LettyBettyLetty))))x

BEAgle - not long now darlin' - you'll be on a jet plane winging it to your beautiful family... will see if I can muster up my skype (who knows what my password is - I don't gotta clue Shocked ) so we can have a chinwag before you leave. ((((((BEAgle))))

((((Missy)))) - are you all sorted Dixie? How are the kidz? All OK and excited? Love you Mis xxxxx

((((JPB, Bethie, RH, AlexChap, jw, Stormy, Taggers, ZyP, HarbourMaster, Boida, MaMaVerby, Tulip and all our crew from around 't world...)))) thinking of y'all.

((((((ilyBlue))))) festive hugs (you know, the ones with mistletoe) Wink to you and yours xox x

ooooooh, Charlie phoned this morning from the airport - they'll be winging their way to sunny FL now - yay for my soul sis - they are gonna have the very best time Very Happy So happy for them. Safe travels sis - i love you x

OK, so this morning, sneeze and ................................. <oh my word, nosebleed or what> I know TMI - sorry 'bout that, but... no, not the little fella - me! YUK YUK YUK. Nasty. Jaw is out which makes for tawking difficult and singing muted (heh, that's mebbe a good thing Razz ) - hoping those pain pills will kick in. Off out to the shops shortly and get some post office stuff done - yeah, I'm so laaaaaaaaaaaate in the day... Mr. Green Lights are up in the conservatory - blue twinklies - gotta love that. Achieved so much yesterday - fab! (thanks to my folks, they helped me a whole heap).

Okeydokey, must go do and be fabulous being busy Wink

Will catchy'all later!

peace to y'all

Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2011 09:03 am
No, don’t even think of asking what I had to do for the warden to get this opportunity to write; just let me say I’m typing whilst standing!

You may go from A>K but I had to go from K>Y; nuff said.

Greetings dear Brooke, the booze cruise is booked and your stateroom awaits. Don’t take no notice of Dutchy about me and the waggon; I wuz on it but only fell off when I sobered up; a mistake I am unlikely to repeat. (((B)))

I think it’s all over between Missy and I; she said she wanted to axe me over! I remonstrated, surely you mean ‘ask’ me over; at which point she picked up a double bit Gränsfors Bruks throwing axe weighing approx. 2.1 kg and let rip in my general direction.

Although to her eternal credit she did apologize for the rip! Have a great time with the family babe.

Dearest sweet Izzie, I was mortified to read of your present condition, iffin I had not been in the hospital mortuary I guess I would have just been concerned. Fear knot, cometh the crises, commeth the man; or should that be a tumbling Mick Jagger gathers no moss – whatever –

I have an online doctorate in medical excellence so you can rest assured I know what I iz talking about when I say the cure for a schnozzle haemorrhage is to lean back and put my head between your knees!!!

<Excuse me for one moment>

Are moderators little fur like critters that nibble on your ankles?
Listen lady; I paid $19.99 for that diploma - so who’s the expert now!

To all the Crew, RG, Developers, Moderators and A2K Members; have a great holiday and may the good fairy sprinkle stardust on your sweet bippy!

See y’all in 2012….. if you are unlucky. x
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2011 12:57 pm
In case you didn't know, Roy Wood is on The Hairy Bikers Christmas special tomorrow at 8pm. He looks exactly the same as he did in the video.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2011 02:12 pm
Thank you for your well meant wishes Tryagain, may your words haunt you in 2012. Breaking mismi's heart just before Christmas and nicking off with Brooke isn't on you dude, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits, and may your arms be too short to scratch is my wish for you.

Ready, set to go for my short trip Izzie, no sign of an Airline strike, all is quiet on the Unions front. The next few nights will be dinners with the neighbours which is an old Christmas tradition in our street. We all get along famously and these once a year socials cement our friendships.

Waves from downunder where a new day (Tuesday) is about to kick off.
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2011 06:25 pm
((DEAR DUTCHY)) Thank you for coming to my rescue Sir Lancelot. Wink Always the gentleman. Of course - you know Try is only nice to me when I smack him around a bit....or I ignore him. He reminds me of my 6th grade boyfriend that way. Razz Anyway - he started the niceties first. Not me. I was just trying to reciprocate.

Enjoy your time with your friends dear man!

All is well Izzie. I have my last day of work on Friday and I am SO SO SO HAPPY! Had the best Christmas party Saturday night and had fireball whiskey shots. Wow.


Quite honestly Sunday morning was tough getting up and getting to church on time. Shew. But I made it. <halo here> (kidding)

The boys are excited that tomorrow is their last day of school and that Christmas is almost here. So. Am. I.

Hugs you all.
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2011 07:30 pm
A fireball, which I would not recommend unless you want to hit party-down city in double quick time, consists of a shot glass filled with equal parts of kummel, goldschlager and absinth(e). It burns, it burns.

If you're really clever you float one on top of the other.

Absinthe is French, absinth is Czech.
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2011 04:13 am

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder, they say.
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2011 07:56 am
That made me laugh McT. Izzy - I saw a recipe for another "fireball shot" it had tabasco in it as well. The cinnamon whiskey was yummy...but it did burn a bit. Wink

Wanna see something REALLY cool?

I didn't get to see them - but I heard folks talking about them. Gave me chills when I saw the picture!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2011 09:53 am
Wow! That IS way cool!! I wish you could have seen it, Mis!

Getting closer to Christmas. Counting down the days for ya'll that are looking forward to it.


Still waiting on the snow here. Tis been unusually warm. Plenty of rain but stingy on the snow. So whomever is getting all the snow - give it up already. Gotta spread that stuff around this time of year. How else is Santa gonna get around. Wink



Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2011 05:41 pm
Pretty impressive picture mismi.

Thank you for the Christmas wishes Brooke, from downunder wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year also.

You want snow for Christmas, spare a thought for me, where I will be in the outback 44 degrees is forecast, that 111 in your language! Luckily we'll have air conditioning and a pool. Smile
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2011 03:23 am
Morning Dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhling's

Goodness me - time is flying by!

Woke early this morning Shocked so uppem and attem! F-boy and S-boy are still snoooooozing so I'm catching a cuppa and need to finish off a few things throughout the day.

Thinking of y'all... we have so many crew and you are all so important - so when I say I'm thinking of y'all, each individual - I really am. x...

izzythepush wrote:

In case you didn't know, Roy Wood is on The Hairy Bikers Christmas special tomorrow at 8pm.

gah, missed it IzWithAY... tho I did see the Hairy Bikers on the One Show the other night - they are a riot - ha, they were having a makeover Shocked Made I laugh it did. Charlie went to one of their cooking sessions at the studio - she has a soft spot for them! The Wizzard... sacrilege!!!! Shocked

(((((((BEAgle)))))))) oooh, I'm excited for your trip - and THANKU hunni... I got your mail this morning. Ahhhhh....... OH MY! 44 degrees Shocked - you.have.got.to.be.kidding. Man, that's HOT. Please send us some of your warmth... actually, you do that every day so... we'll take your love and hugs from Down Under and return them 10fold. (((((((((((BEAgle& MrsB))))))))xx

Misssssy - those cloud formations are amazing. Heck - I woulda pd my pants had I seen something like that... I would been click click click. Who knew such formations could look like that. Nature is such a wonder. I bet y'all are in the Christmas Spirit now and I know that you're all going to enjoy. Will MaMa&PaPa and LITTLE(not so little) bro be coming up? Fireballs a? heh, I bet you were very funny - would love to have seen that! Razz (((((((((((Missy- love much always)))))))))) xxxxx

Taggers - hello PO - how are you? You all set for Christmas now? Your baby boy and lovely girl coming over to see you? We need another father/son scarf picture Very Happy Please do send my love to Fi-B and bigs hugs to you darlin' xxxx

TC - hoping all is good up in the Great White North - LOVE your home and am so happy for you and Mr FixIt. Will the prodigals return for the festivities? ((((((TC)))))))xx

Babbling - http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/lasagradax/Kiss/Kiss-08.gif love you so much and love seeing you here. Have a lovely relaxing time over Christmas and ENJOY your New Year. Send my love to MaMa and your gorgeous family - and do post up any pics of Noah and Madison Grace... oh my, she's gonna be 2 this Christmas Eve - ahhhhh, all beautiful good people are born on Christmas Eve - the Bosun and Madison will be celebrated together. Can it really be 2 years since she was born..! I do hope you'll get to spend time with the kids. ((((((((((Brooklyn)))))))) I wanna hug you so much. xxxxxxxx

MARGO - helllllllllllllo Sheila-Gal - how are you my friend? (no no, not how are you my friend, I know how you're my friend, but HOW ARE YOU? Razz ) Been missing you - hope we get to catch up between Christmas and New Year - what're you gonna be up to a? I played the CD again t'other day - ahahhaaha, had to laugh - I can so see you in your car with your sat nav singing along! Big love girl - and strokes and scritches for Possum (((Margo))) x

Tryagain wrote:

I know what I iz talking about when I say the cure ...

you are theee best medicine... a Blue sweet treat to cure all that ails. Sending you and yours Christmas and all year love and hugs ((((((((lyBlue)))))))xxxxxxxxxx http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu107/Klomsky/skinfaces%20temp/kiss.gif



Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2011 03:28 am
Yuletide Greetings. I missed the first half of the bikers myself, forgot it was on, but I saw the party at the end. Some of the recipes looked incredible. They're all on the BBC website.

Take care everyone, the days start getting longer tomorrow.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2011 05:20 am

Taggers - hello PO - how are you? You all set for Christmas now? Your baby boy and lovely girl coming over to see you? We need another father/son scarf picture Very Happy Please do send my love to Fi-B and bigs hugs to you darlin' xxxx

How delightful of you to remember us. I awoke late this morning, and lay in bed reading my Private Eye that I bought yesterday when I went into Manchester to go for a curry at Mallu's which was incredibly busy but there's always a seat for me, big curry and two naan- he always gives me extra and I couldn't finish it all, but nearly, then I went into the Craft Centre nearby which used to be the wholesale fruit market and bought a couple of handmade gifts which ought to please herself, and I had a coffee there sitting in solitary splendour, a lonely man in a crowd, but the waitresses are nice and make you feel welcome, lots of homemade savouries and cakes but of course I was full up, then made my leisurely way back to Piccadilly station for the train home, fabulous having a travel pass now, and incidentally in W H Smith's in the station is where I bought my magazines and a couple of books, buy one get one half price, but I must tell you on the way to the station The Hoochie-Coochie Mancunian was busking near the top of Market Street and I've got to tell you, you would love him because he's mustard. He plays rock 'n' roll and blues and sings in his raddled voice, very loud, he's better than many a professional act you might encounter in a twelvemonth. In fact he is professional, just prefers to be on his own, and busk. I've got a CD of him, bought some time ago. I wonder if he has a website? Must look. Oh I forgot, I wasn't using full stops when I started this. Then I went to the greengrocers and bought some vegetables to make a broth for that broth of a girl, the famous Cabin Boy, coming home. She was supposed to be on leave yesterday but they phoned and called her in. So she's taking tomorrow instead. Good soup btw, and some left over for later.
No we're not all set up for Xmas yet, we don't decorate the place till Xmas Eve, usually. Just a family non-tradition, our way of doing things. The darling son and fiance will be here on the day, and CBs parents, nonagenarians.
Thanks for cheering me up. Smile
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2011 05:39 am

The Hoochie-Coochie Mancunian? He's here. He's there. He's everywhere.

Here he is.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2011 07:53 am
It's the Solstice! time to turn around and head back to more daylight up here.


Light the fires and sing some songs, the days will be getting longer.

Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2011 07:44 pm
Too hot to light fires down here. Yuck. Sad
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2011 09:30 pm
Hi miss sunshine, found a special piece of music for you, see if you like it, it's called "A place in the Choir".

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