Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 03:45 am
there's a fat lady singing somewheres...

sorry dutchy. margo. Ionus...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 03:46 am
Victory to New Zealand well done. Blood means nothing Rockhead, they're both tough teams and used to rough and tough play. Smile
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 03:48 am
those frenchmen don't have a prayer...
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 03:49 am
pushed into touch to end the game

NZ were magnificent!

<I can almost hear Margo tut tutting! Razz>

So sorry for Australia - they'll bring it back in 4 years tho... just you wait and see... I'm predicting England v Australia final in 2015 Razz

Rock, sleep well and hope you have a good day laterz.

Have a big sleep too BEAgle. See ya in the morning prolly.

I gotta dash, gotta get the little fella out somewhere and I musn't be late. argggggggggggh.

See ya later crew Very Happy
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 03:50 am
true, not a hope in hell against New Zealand.

Looking forward to next week's match already.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 03:50 am
you and s-boy have a lovely Sunday funday, iz.

gentle breezes...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 03:50 am
Crying or Very sad Sad

going to cry myself to sleep!

Bloody Quade Cooper - neither use nor ornament!
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 03:52 am
don't get those tears in dutchy's beers, margo...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 04:00 am
thank you, sir, for finding me a link that worked to be able to play along, D.

you're a good egg...
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 04:22 am
Pleased you enjoyed the game and fun here Rockhead. I really feel sorry for Margo as she is the real Rugby fan here, and I can well imagine she's crying herself to sleep. I know very little about Rugby as it is not popular in my State but I follow the Wallabies because they represent Australia.
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 05:47 am
Try not to have too bad a night's sleep, as someone who supports Southampton FC I know full well what disappointment is. There's always the next one to look forward to.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 06:32 am
going to cry myself to sleep!

Bloody Quade Cooper - neither use nor ornament!

That's no way for a well brought up young lady to talk about a sporting gentleman. I'm sure he was doing his best to have you jumping up and down on the sofa with excitement and joy nearly choking on the choccie you had reached for while the injured player was being readied for more torture.

Just because he dropped the greasy ball a few times, or whatever it was that has incurred your displeasure, you start blackguarding the poor guy for spoiling your mood as you nod off and begin that snoring and farting routine you ladies are famous for.

He might have been a bit groggy from a knock he took earlier which you hadn't noticed. Or a bad hair day. Or the rumour that some greaser is knocking his wife off whilst he's practising all week long pushing a steam-roller up an incline and the other team are making jokes about it in the scrums and line-outs or any other suitable occasions that arise in the course of 80 minutes slogging punishment.

Had Mr Cooper done better he would have been your hero and you could have gone to noddies with a smile on your face thinking about how wonderful he is.

There's no pleasing you ladies is there? More and more punishment for men for not meeting your exacting standards is what you want. And if it isn't forthcoming you get impatient and frustrated.

I feel sure Mr Cooper gave his best on the day.

You ought to be glad for your sisters who support the other side and who can have a joyful and restful bo-boes.

Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 06:36 am
You really missed your vocation as a counseller old chum.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 10:24 am
I am so, so pleased to once again be in the bosom of the good ship lollypop. I would have been here sooner had it not been for a change of password; I wanted to change it to, ‘Getbent’ but a box said it must be eight characters, so naturally I thought of Rocky, Margo, Veggie, Stormy, McTag, Alec and Beth, This resulted in…

X An error has occurred whilst compiling an error message!


Nil desperandum; how about, Snow White and the seven dwarfs; Dave, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich, but I flunked Humanities and dagnabbit, I have no idea who the seventh person of restricted growth is!

Now, before I try to wheedle my way outta the picture of me squeezing Brooks’ melons, not to forget getting down and messy with her soft peaches leading to a tincture of veracity so stimulatingly exposed in The National Enquirer -

I wish to clarify the line, ‘too 288’
144 is a dozen dozens, or one gross. Therefore 288 is 2 gross. Vulgar or coarse; but of cause you knew that!

However the cognate reader will appreciate it could also mean; without good taste! Not sensitive to, or not able to appreciate the finer things in life. Therefore in an effort to put that rumor asunder – I have been engaged in renovations to the piano nobile of the corps de logis.

Now, back to Brooks sweet melons…
I feel at this juncture as a flibbertigibbet although free from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis I should explain in graphic detail the fruits of my labor…

Watermelon-Peach Wine (makes 1 gallon)

1 large watermelon
2 peaches
1/4 cup chopped raisins
juice of 3 limes
5 cups sugar
1 qt water
1 tsp acid blend
1 crushed Campden tablet
1 tsp yeast nutrient
wine yeast

Extract the juice from watermelon and peaches, saving pulp. Boil pulp in one quart water for 1/2 hour then strain and add water to extracted juice. Allow to cool to lukewarm then add all ingredients except yeast to primary for a total of one gallon. Cover well with cloth and add yeast after 24 hours. Stir daily for 1 week and strain off raisins. Let stand additional 24 hours and rack. Pour into secondary fermentation vessel, fit airlock, and set aside for 4 weeks. Rack and set aside another 4 weeks, then rack again. Allow to clear, then rack final time and bottle. Allow 2 to 4 months before tasting.

As you can see you need four racks, so I suggest you check if Brooke* has sisters!!!

*Brooke Hogan (Mizz Hogan). Daughter of the famous Hulk Hogan. Los Angeles, CA
Recording artist, songwriter, producer, musician, actress, television personality, friend of Try and wine raconteur.

Any resemblance to Missy/Izzie is to be warmly appreciated!

Thanks for the photos Brooke, you look quite stunning; do you have any where you keep your top on? No seriously, no need to explain, your points are well made!

Dear Izzie my sweet Seraphim, I do hope this epistle finds you in high spirits and fine fettle, and just to let y’all know, my Ozark flat backed bouzouki arrived safely and I shall soon depart this Night's Plutonian shore.
Just don’t get me started on…Spiders!!!

Because the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain thrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never have I felt before, so that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating `'Tis some spider entreating entrance at my chamber door - Some late eight legged visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; -This it is, and nothing more,'

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer, `Izzie,' said I, truly your forgiveness I implore; But the fact is I was napping, and so gently it came rapping, and so faintly it came tapping, tapping at my chamber door, that I scarce was sure I could help you' - here I opened wide the door; - Darkness there, and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before; but the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token, and the only words there were spoken… “Did that spider just order a Big Mac and flies?”

Missy girl; have y’all been playing away with Dutchy while I have been outta town? I just don’t believe you is a 18 year old convent girl no more as I ave bean chasing you for the last sex years. However, the image of your latest escapade with wind-blown hair and resplendent in a tight ripped bodice has redeemed you in my dreams. Please excuse my spilling – Blame Google Translate!

LBJ I wish you well as you set forth on your journey. Politics is a tiring business but I wish you well for 2012. BTW some say Wandle dropped 25 pounds!
I say, that must have been the weight of the ice cream tub!

To the young at heart ladies Osso and Roberta, if only I was 20 years younger and 200 pounds lighter; what music we might have made. I know Osso, you may not like me because you may think I have more truck parts in the front yard than empty cans of Budweiser – but I am working on it.

Once again Dutchy you have shown I could do well if I followed your example. Lead on dear friend and I will thrive on scraps from your table.

I don’t believe it, I have met Gracie Girl!!!
True; I was down in Moe’s Tavern talkin’ to this 300 pound steel worker from Pittsburgh who is married with six kids living in a double wide, who on a Saturday night dresses up and calls hisself Gracie Girl…Nice guy.

The domain name izzythepush.com is available to register, hurry up or Spendius will get there first. Come on Pom. P. Skates, scupper them Scummers…GO Seagulls!

From these rocky shores to the Azores, conforming to all national and state laws may y’all live well and prosper why not.
New York wave (ツ)

Ps: Iffin’ you see Tsar, please convey my sincere thanks for services rendered.
Pps: Has anyone seen Dear Francis? He missed my birthday this year and all the proceeding decades.

Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 10:28 am
did anyone just feel a draft?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 03:53 pm
Welcome back Tryagain, Izzie will be most happy, but I have a query about your sanity on reading your latest spiel. Perhaps I'm wrong and you've been sun struck or been in them hills to long amongst the mountain goats. I agree with some points about Brooke and mismi , I'm impressed by them too, but all that other pornographic stuff does not belong in a high class thread such as this! A word of warning, GracieGirl is only 13, so hands of shepherd. Please come back again soon and tell us where you went wrong, agent Wandel would like to know too Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 08:02 pm
spendius wrote:

going to cry myself to sleep!

Bloody Quade Cooper - neither use nor ornament!

That's no way for a well brought up young lady to talk about a sporting gentleman.
He might have been a bit groggy from a knock he took earlier which you hadn't noticed. Or a bad hair day. Or the rumour that some greaser is knocking his wife off whilst he's practising all week long pushing a steam-roller up an incline and the other team are making jokes about it in the scrums and line-outs or any other suitable occasions that arise in the course of 80 minutes slogging punishment.

Had Mr Cooper done better he would have been your hero and you could have gone to noddies with a smile on your face thinking about how wonderful he is.
I feel sure Mr Cooper gave his best on the day.

Bah humbug!!!

He's a prat at the best of times!

If he wasn't a Wallaby he'd be in gaol. The entire Australian Rugby Union mobilised to keep him out of court and out of the clink!

His girlfriend is Stephanie Rice, Olympic gold medal swimmer. Their combined IQ is about that of a house plant.

His only value is in his ability to play rugby rather well - if he doesn't do that (and he didn't!) we should put him down straight away.
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 08:07 pm
geez margo...

I thought all of you guys were kinda raucous jailbird types.

he's playing against type here?

Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 11:51 pm

We're all sweet, law-abiding, good-to-mother and-pets types here. Not an evil though in any of us...but then there's Quade Bloody Cooper!
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2011 12:21 am
ooops- too much of rugby to understand - not that Cricket would make it any better for me Wink following Missy's line - i guess its time i learnt all those for ma kids sake!!!
Izzaaa seems to b busy with the game as well- BEAgle ure busy vacationing???
TRYagain- im alive!!!! and onboard! Sad sorry to have missed u tho
busy mon morning here!!!
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