Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2011 11:19 pm
Rugby Game has started between South Africa and Australia in a sun drenched Windy Wellington Stadium. Aussies favourite at $1.85, with South Africa at $1.97 when the ball was bounced. Come on Aussies. Oi.Oi.Oi.
Reply Sun 9 Oct, 2011 12:58 am
Aussies got up in a close game beating the Springboks 11 - 9 after trailing late in the game. Did you watch it Izzie?
Reply Sun 9 Oct, 2011 03:27 am
Morning BEAgle

ah... the Wallabies won Very Happy

I have recorded the match so I may get a chance to watch it later (or now actually, would like to see their form against the Sethfricans). Have just watched the All Blacks... man, they are soooo good but Argentina did make them play for it - it was always gonna be NZ tho, they needed the 80 mins to winnit but their lines and angles are just too good. Gonna be a tough semi for the Wallabies.

I have the massivest headhurt and feel dreadful so have been watching from my bed - phone alarm went off at 6... but somehow I must've grabbed my phone and thrown it somewhere Shocked I have yet to find it Razz

Taken some meds but struggling to see the computer right now <my head hurts so so bad> so I'll be back later hopefully when it's not quite so sore. Sore teeth too.

Wishing the world well and thinking of those near and far...

Catchya later Very Happy

Reply Sun 9 Oct, 2011 04:11 am
Morning Izzie, why the headache my friend, one to may Baileys? Family arrived back today, M. has flown home but K. and the children will be here till Wednesday before travellin back to PL. Busy few days ahead. Smile

Wallabies V The All Blacks will be a great match, there is great rivalry between our 2 Countries and not an inch will be given by either side. The Aussies will be probably given them the Aussie salute (one finger Laughing ) whilst they're doing their famous Haka just to antagonise them!
Reply Sun 9 Oct, 2011 09:30 am

Damn, I tried to make a phone call early this morning but the line went dead...damn. I wonder why that happened?


Well played, Oz and All Blix. Loved the haka.

Aux armes, citoyens!
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 02:33 am
Morning Crew

Happy Thanksgiving to our Canajuns - have a wonderful day. Bethie, hope you get to see Hbg and that Didge and TC get together too... ooooh, first Thanksgiving in the 'School HOME' - regardless of where you all are, do hope you are with friends or family and have the best time.


BEAgle, so glad the kids are staying for a few days - do enjoy, try not to tire yourself out too much Wink xxxxx

waves to Taggers Very Happy

Missy - how was the beach? Hope you had a fab time!!!!

((Blue))xox and yours x

Thinking of those near and far...
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:54 am
Hi Izzie having a great time with the kids, tiring but enjoyable. Took them swimming today in Australia's newest Olympic pool just down the road, they had a ball, especially on the super high and long slides. Mrs. B. prepared them a sumptious meal and now the computers keep them occupied, I'm lucky to be able to post on a few threads. Laughing Waves from downunder.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 01:29 pm
Hello, Iz and all Very Happy Smile Wink Laughing Razz Cool

My computer refused to play with y'all.

Prolly just as well...I'd gloat!

Jonny....pppbbbttthhh!!!!!!!!!! Aux armes, citoyennes!.....Did you notice the French played like the Australians - move the ball wide, run, pass?

Match of the tournament next Sunday - All Blacks vs Wallabies, 1 vs 2 in the world. Should be a brilliant match....if the Wallabies turn up. The ABs always turn up, but the Wallabies.....

No offence to either Wales or France - whichever makes the final, but this semi-final will be better that the final, most likely. Long time and fierce rivals - long time between drinks for the ABs. We beat them at our last showing - and took Tri-Nations trophy as a result.

A friend from Wales has given me a fridge magnet with the Welsh national anthem. I have to stand and sing if Wales beat Australia. Not worried yet..... (besides the Welsh anthem is just impossible - sounds great, though!)

Interesting to see Dutch watching the rugby - he told me a couple of weeks ago that it was a joke - and of no interest in Oz!

Me - I carry a jonny bloody wilkinson sized grudge! For 8 years!
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 01:55 pm
margo wrote:

Match of the tournament next Sunday - All Blacks vs Wallabies, 1 vs 2 in the world. Should be a brilliant match....if the Wallabies turn up. The ABs always turn up, but the Wallabies.....

No offence to either Wales or France - whichever makes the final, but this semi-final will be better that the final, most likely.

Hello Shelia Goil - you're so right, it will be the match, <well, after the England / Scotland match) - I reckon the rivalries are all too similar.

I will be cheering for the Wallabies, even tho I wanna live in NZ. Of course, I shall be CHEERING for Wales - looking forward to it Very Happy

Meantime, I'm in a pickle. I am twitching all over - no no, literally, I am twitching. I've got something going on and I don't know what and it's driving me nuts. For weeks the twitching around my left eye has been getting more and more, to the point that a "twitch" can close my eye - I keep apologising to folk for winking at them Wink

Anyhoo... it's all over me now - doesn't matter what I do - I'm twitching, followed by terrible stabbing nerve pain in my left leg - or my arm - usually my left leg. If I sit on the floor (I was trying some yoga stuff) and straighten my legs on the floor and sit up straight so I'm a right angle, then my legs get pins and needles and then go numb!

The main twitch is in between my ribs right now, if I push the twitch it sets off all the other twitches... under my shoulder, my legs... I feel like I'm getting electric shocks all over. They don't hurt, that is the twitches don't hurt, they actually feel a little weird, good weird even... but the shooting nerve pain hurts but lasts nanoseconds. I simply can't stop the twitching - it's such a nuisance. Anyhoo, it's been going on for a few hours now - I've stood up, walked around, lay down... twitch twitch twitch. I know my body is very tired right now and I've not been feeling well for a couple days... but this damn twitching! I'm like a jelly... wobbling muscles.

Any ideas how to stop a twitch?

I'm gonna get S-boy to put his hand on one of the twitches and see if he can feel it or whether I can only feel it inside. My eye winking is very obvious - sooooooooooo embarrassing - I keep having to put my finger on my eyelid and underneath it to stop it moving Shocked

I could almost think someone has made a doll of me and is poking me with a pin Wink Perish the thought.

OK, whine over Very Happy
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 02:01 pm


t'aint me.

best not to go to the pub till ya figger it out, though...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 02:05 pm
not me, either.....

does sound uncomfortable, though!
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 02:11 pm
Ha! Margo, just PM'd you and you'd already been by Very Happy

S-boy can feel the twitches easily - it's a little less in my right ribs if I lay down, but more in my lower leg

bizarre!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOST BIZARRE!!!!

Hey Rock, will have a look at the VT in a mo, got S-boy beside me watching CSI so no can looky for a minute Very Happy
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 02:13 pm
when I get too tired, my left eye twitches fiercely...

are you sleeping enough?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:11 pm
That doesn't sound very fun. Can you call the doc in the morning and get seen? Do you think it's going to keep you awake tonight?
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:14 pm
better yet -- can you call tonight and see if you should be seen right away?
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:37 pm
Hey Rock - yep, my eye started as just a normal twitch like when you're tired.... but no, this is a BIG twitch, I can make it happen any time I like too by shutting my eyes tight... I found this out when i figured I was so conscious of my winking that I had to show my colleagues just say they knew it was a twitch. It's underneath my left eye too...

JPB... nah, won't call anyone now, ha, by the time I got hold of someone it would be midnight and it's really not an emergency, unless the pain in my leg increases - but it's all related - really quite bizarre - the nerve pain is effing and blinging pain - but doesn't last for any time - but I did punch my foot in the kitchen to see if I could stop it. Nasty.

My ribs is merrily twitching away... - I've taken my meds so lalalla land is approaching fast and I may just try and lie down quiet upstairs and see if I can go off to sleep.

I emailed my boss and said if I had it in the morning I would be going to the doctor and in a little late

I already 10mg (very lose dose) of amytritaline for nerve pain in my feet...

but this is sooooo different - it's like a chain reaction of spasms - the chief one being under/in my ribs. My feet and hand joints are swelling, so I think that whatever's makingme feel rough could have set this off... dunno, my body's so effing useless, it could be anything. I hadn't thought about the fybromyalgia for a while, but that would also explain the painful rash on my head near my hairline ( I know I know, if I were a horse... bang)

It's nothing serious and really not bad, it's just annoying and I think making me even more tired... but it's increased ten fold during the evening. Mebbe a big sleep with do the job.

Oh, the joys! Hopefully wake up tomorrow and it will have stopped. Very Happy Fingers crossed.

<twitch twitch twitch... so bizarre - I'm sure there must be invisible electrodes all over..... so bizarre.)

Thank you - will let you know how I go.
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:40 pm
Oh, the only thing is massive cramps in my legs at night which have been getting worse for the last week. If I stretch my leg in bed - CRAMP.


what a waste of space.

Rolling Eyes
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:42 pm

leg cramps are hurrible.

Tesco has bananas?
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:42 pm
Interesting, Izzie. Not to digress, but to digress.

Just as my dermatologist was about to dig in to my upper lip to extract a "baby skin cancer" (he doesn't know me, please give me medical terms), he went into this thing about did I know I had an asymmetric smile, like Bell's palsy? And my left eye was droopy. Well, I knew that, that happens after five eye surgeries with complications galore. He said don't you see it in the mirror, the palsy and I said no, I haven't noticed that. I do look in the mirror from time to time, but mostly amazed at my map face and don't routinely smile. I don't really mind my face, sort of interesting.

So, today I looked again. My smile is symmetric enough for me, however it happens to look when I'm smiling at others. But I did notice that my upper cheek was quivering slightly.

Turned out he was clearing himself in case I would charge him for causing palsy post surgery. Cough. I didn't see this pre surgery, but it's barely discernible to me. I'm not a sueing type anyway.
More fun with my face.

I haven't looked up Bell's palsy yet (have heard of it). You might check it out too.

Just read more. Now thinking yours is nerve related.

I hate foot-leg cramps. Don't get them often but not a happy puppy when I do.
In my case, I need to start buying Gerolsteiner water again (lots of minerals - I think of it as a fast fix), or keep bananas on hand. Maybe dried ones.)

Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:45 pm
sleep sounds like a good idea, but do get it checked in the am. It sounds like it's been coming on for a while now and isn't getting better. Sumpin is causing it - best to find out what it is.

((( Izzzzzzzzz )))

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