Sat 9 Feb, 2008 11:33 pm
Hello I have a 95 Firebird. Recently on one day to work I noticed that my heat wasn't working and that my temperature gauge was going from ok all the way to the red line and it sometimes stays there and other times it fluctuates back and forth. Also it looked like I was losing coolant, so got some more and Also now my car is shaking really bad (mostly when idling)and there is smoke coming from the tailpipe and by the time I got home from driving it for 10 min. you could literally hear the coolant bubbling while the temperature stayed at hot and smoke was coming out and no heat.. ANY idea(s) what it is?? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
Thermostat stuck closed? I think that would produce the symptoms. So could low coolant level, but it sounds like you've covered that possibility.
Hope you're not driving it in this condition. That's how I lost my beloved, now deceased, Honda.
Once an engine, especially late model, loses most of it's coolant, you kinda gotta fight it back in. You have air bubbles in your system, and will have to work them back out.
You may well (do) have another issue, but you can't just fill it cold, and walk on...
Sorry to inform you... blown head gasket. Almost definitely. Overheating, lack of heat, rough running... all signs of a blown head gasket.
I agree with the blown head gasket diagnosis. To check if this is indeed the problem, what color is the exhaust from the tailpipe? A leaking head gasket will produce an unusually white exhaust.