Re: Rainsoft No Salt Usage
billyrohm wrote:My Rainsoft system is using no salt and it says that my average use is 0 gallons per day. I'm pretty sure that we're using more than that.
The unit is not bypassed and I'm using salt that looks like little footballs.
That means the metering is not measuring any water use, or counting down the gallons used, so it isn't regenerating and that's why it hasn't used any salt and why you have hard water instead of soft water.
If you have a manual, and it shows you where the metering assembly/turbine is, take it out and clean and test it by blowing on it to see if the display shows anything blinking etc. which says it is working.
Then do 2-3 regenerations one after the other with as little water use if any between them and you should be in soft water again well into the future.