Thank you. That makes more sense. Kinda, maybe. I don't think I have a choice. The SpellCheck still has more work to be done (timberlandko).
I do not like that you can misspell a word and hit the learn button so the word appears to be spelled right. It doesn't bother me when other's misspell words. It bothers me when I do. I would offer to help, but I have no knowledge in that area (programs and such).
Wee awl shooed ewes spall chucker moor of ten.
I am guessing that spellcheck is some kind (kid of?) an automatic service, and I couldn't agree more it is quite the goofy thing. I click on it once in a while when I am doubting my instincts and it usually says OK, lady, while not listing the word I questioned. Sometimes I follow up on a word by googling and see my qualms were right.
I think "Never trust spellcheck!" should be an axiom.
Me, I love my (now still packed) 1933 (or similar) Webster's Unabridged.
The one and only time I have ever used spellcheck was for "weird", after a certain lovely lady very diplomatically pointed out that my usual "wierd" spelling was incorrect.
She was rite, of coarse.
i donate to a couple of sites, and was a subscriber here while that option was available
i realize that people pay for internet connections, but to me sites like this are like periodicals or good books, sure you can go to the library, but it's nice to subscribe to a magazine or buy a book once and awhile
timberlandko wrote:
Something else that comes to mind, apart from database size, bandwidth load, and cross-linking delays; the database automatically updates and re-indexes from time to time, with understandably heavy server load causing resonse sluggishness, and I think that's scheduled to happen during more-or-less "off-peak" times relative to Western Europe & North America - which would tend be right about when Ozians/Asians/Pacific Rimmers might be expected to be online. A2K's users literally span the globe; we've even had posts from Antarctica.
And welcome to A2K, Builder - odds are if you can put up with us, we can put up with you

I can adjust.
But seriously, on my first few posts, I could go and make toast and coffee waiting for the software to process five lines of bare text.
Thanks for the welcome.
tryingtohelp wrote:I know I am still new and I realize it costs money to be on line. I come to this site to learn and have some fun. I regretfully say that when you start to charge for the site I will be leaving. The ones I have spoken with (I do have secret friends) on other threads will also be leaving. Thank you to everyone that have gone out of their way and been so helpful. Your help is much appreciated. So, until then, thanks for the site and I wish you only the best and I do say that with sincerity.
You have nearly four thousand posts, and consider yourself a n00bie?
Interesting. :wink:
djjd62 wrote:i donate to a couple of sites, and was a subscriber here while that option was available
i realize that people pay for internet connections, but to me sites like this are like periodicals or good books, sure you can go to the library, but it's nice to subscribe to a magazine or buy a book once and awhile
Triple post. I clearly need spanking.
Magazine subscriptions are what I get for christmas.
I think it's really sad that print media is a dying form of communication.
Ok, ok, Builder, I bet some fair number of us agree on that. (Dunno, of course - but I near desperately agree.)
I agree with OssoB.
Builder needs to be spanked.
Put on your boots, OssoB.
Not enough of a fair number, of course -
here's a link I meant to give earlier on another thread, about an old and good personally owned bookstore, in Princeton:
You may have to register if you haven't to the newspaper site already. This link will probably work only through tomorrow, and then y'hafta pay.
ehBeth wrote:I agree with OssoB.
Builder needs to be spanked.
We've never met, but I like you already. :wink:
As we used to say in the 1970's ...
Bend over.
I think I know you.
Welcome to A2K.
Er, the non-sequiturs thing was before the bend over text...
which I happen to recognize as well.
Carry on.
ehBeth wrote:As we used to say in the 1970's ...
Bend over.
I think I know you.
Welcome to A2K.
Lame line. Has it worked for you before now?
And thanks for the welcome.
You're pausing in the wrong place.
Builder wrote:tryingtohelp wrote:I know I am still new and I realize it costs money to be on line. I come to this site to learn and have some fun. I regretfully say that when you start to charge for the site I will be leaving. The ones I have spoken with (I do have secret friends) on other threads will also be leaving. Thank you to everyone that have gone out of their way and been so helpful. Your help is much appreciated. So, until then, thanks for the site and I wish you only the best and I do say that with sincerity.
You have nearly four thousand posts, and consider yourself a n00bie?
Interesting. :wink:
Yes, that is correct. The number of posts is irrelevant to me.
tryingtohelp wrote:
Yes, that is correct. The number of posts is irrelevant to me.
Fair call. I must be somewhat of a curiosity with less than fifty posts.
A high post count does not, on its own merit, make one a veteran, well known perhaps...familiar....but a seasoned member not.
Hmm, I just noticed that "Seasoned Member" is one of the titles used under our statement was not aimed at anyone in particular...{Tryingtohelp}.... as it may seem that way.