I just created a nice bowl of air popped white popcorn corn. Anybody want some?
Setanta wrote:real life wrote:Setanta wrote:real life wrote:blakblak wrote:God does not exist
blakblak read it on the internet.
It must be true.
Those folks KNOW.
This from the King of quoting.....creationist web sites
Claims like this have gotten you into trouble before. Let's see if you can support yourself any better this time........
In over 6500 posts, how many times have I quoted a creationist web site, Setanta?
(hint: It's a very small number)
it only requires that you cite them more frequently than anyone else
And your 'proof' that this is so is.....................................?
(other than your say-so)
No.... your "say so" is proof enough.
Intrepid wrote:I just created a nice bowl of air popped white popcorn corn. Anybody want some?

I'd love some :-D
<pulls a chair up next to Intrepid and offers him some fruit smoothie she just made>
Montana wrote:Krus wrote:Montana wrote:You obviously didn't get what I was saying. My definition of believe is there in the dictionary "to suppose or think", but along with other words, it has other meanings as well. "To have faith", is there in small letters at the end of the other meanings.
Some words have more than one meaning, such as believe, so I used the definition that suites my meaning, so next time you try to make a fool of someone, maybe you should learn to read before you play your games.
Definitions of believe.
1. To take as true, real, etc.. 2. To trust a statement or promise of (person). 3. To suppose or think. 4. To have faith.
Now lets do Faith.
1. Unquestioned belief, specifically in God, religion, etc. 2. A particular religion. 3. complete trust or confidence. 4. Loyalty.
So, on that note since there are 4 meanings for each word, I'd like to say that I believe (to take as true, real, etc.) that some people will twist things around just to suite their purpose (whatever that may be), but I have faith (complete trust or confidence), that I can overcome whatever jabs may be sent my way, from people who have blind faith (unquestioning belief, specifically in God, religion, etc).
Have a nice day!
you will not believe in anything without argumentation and proof? Correct?
No, this is not correct.
What will you be able to believe in without proof? For example, do you believe in devil?
No, I don't believe in the devil and I don't see what difference it makes what I believe.
There's no proof of God, but I believe in in God (not most peoples idea of God), so there's your example.
I voted yes there is a god and I don't know why?
I hate religion.
Then you must get onto my bus Amigo
Care for some fruit smoothie?
Montana wrote:Intrepid wrote:I just created a nice bowl of air popped white popcorn corn. Anybody want some?

I'd love some :-D
Only if ya have some toothpicks, cuz it always sticks in my teeth....
(settlin' in, knowin' montana is always a good hostess...)
1 in 3 say God exists in some form. Pass the toothpicks and whip up another smoothie.
<Yawn, stretch, waking up from her nap on the big seat in the back of the bus>
Hey, you guys are nice and quiet. thanks for not waking me up :-D
Smoothies and toothpicks all around. Looks like we got some company Intrepid, so you may wanna get another batch of that popcorn goin :-D
<starts painting peace signs and hippie stuff on the side of the bus>