Agree, to believe isn't the same as to have a faith.
Krus, please know that I'm not knocking those who do have faith. Not at all. I just see things differently.
Welcome to A2K, by the way :-D
real life wrote:blakblak wrote:God does not exist
blakblak read it on the internet.
It must be true.
Those folks KNOW.
This from the King of quoting horseshit creationist web sites to support his bogus claims about science when he's parading his imaginary friend superstition as though it had any credibility.
Mornin' Set.
Can't stay long.
Just thought I'd blak at ya.
Setanta wrote:real life wrote:blakblak wrote:God does not exist
blakblak read it on the internet.
It must be true.
Those folks KNOW.
This from the King of quoting.....creationist web sites
Claims like this have gotten you into trouble before. Let's see if you can support yourself any better this time........
In over 6500 posts, how many times have I quoted a creationist web site, Setanta?
(hint: It's a very small number)
Krus wrote:Agree, to believe isn't the same as to have a faith.
This may be off-topic, but -- how so?
The key phrase is "a faith", as distinguished from "faith".
"A faith" implies a system of defined beliefs.
"Faith" is more generic.
blakblak wrote:Fine prove to me he does exist. does anyone here really believe in God. If so why?
The onus is on you, since you made the claim, to prove your position.
Is it possible to believe without having faith? Or vice versa?
If you believe without having faith you, IMO know something for certain. And if you know something to be true it would be an easy matter to explain your position...
Ok, so the dictionary likes to blend faith and belief together, but I see them as 2 different things.
That was my fault and not Krus's for agreeing. I think Krus knows what I meant.
Meaning #3 in my dictionary for believe is "to suppose or think". That's my meaning of believe and I wish they didn't intwine the two words (believe and faith) together in the dictionary. Nothing like confusing a word!
The meaning of faith to me means exactly what it says in the dictionary. "unquestioning belief in God, religion, etc. 2. particular religion. 3. complete trust or confidence. 4 loyalty.
So, just because faith falls into one of the categories in believe, it's not the meaning I use it for. The word believe has nothing to do with religion, unless someone wants to make it about religion.
I believe in God (not most peoples idea of God), but I don't have faith in God.
You guys should have addressed me on that issue, not Krus!
Ok. Theists believe in a God who is omniscient and omnipotent, he is much like us and can answer prayers etc etc. There has never really been any rock hard proof.
I have never really had any firm conviction that this type of God is existent, maybe the reason many of you believe so much in God is because you were born into a religious family or a religious society (america, saudi arabia etc etc),I am lucky enough to have NOT been born into one of these countries or families. I don't believe in God because of the lack of proof and the fact that science suggests otherwise.
Science and religion are completely different and cannot work together. they both have conflicting theories. Christians say we were designed by God, Science says it was natural selection. There is much more hard evidence for natural selection rather than the subjective evidence for design. You cannot disregard this evidence. Theists may say that evolution was Gods way of designing us...they are in denial. If God was all powerful he would not be lazy.
There are many paradoxes and impossibilities surrounding God. For example, Would God be able to build a tower so strong even he could not break it down? Because he is all powerful he would be able to build it but he would not be able to break it down which means he would not be all powerful! a paradox. Also the paradox with Catholic belief, who are strongly against contraception but are also strongly against abortion, this just does not work.
Theists, Would you still believe in God if the societal influences were removed? If you were born to a different family living in a different society with a different religion would you still hold the religion you hold today? If theists took out all these factors and were left with their true belief and their true self, would this belief be the same as their current belief? If it is by all means continue with theism and continue the way you are. But if it is not change and be your true self rather than what society tells you to be.
Theists often think of the scientists as the people who are unappreciative of the world around them and have a superficial understanding of the beauty of nature and the world. But really scientists have a very deep understanding of the world around them, maybe even deeper than theists. Scientists are the ones who are in true contact with nature and the world around him. They understand the real miracle of life.
Montana wrote:Ok, so the dictionary likes to blend faith and belief together, but I see them as 2 different things.
I suppose that if we all make up our own definitions, then anything is possible.
I could say that 'elephants can fly'.
When you objected, I would inform you that the dictionary definition of 'elephant' that YOU are using is not what I mean by the term at all.
Sounds like fun. Actually, we used to play a game like this when we were kids.
You obviously didn't get what I was saying. My definition of believe is there in the dictionary "to suppose or think", but along with other words, it has other meanings as well. "To have faith", is there in small letters at the end of the other meanings.
Some words have more than one meaning, such as believe, so I used the definition that suites my meaning, so next time you try to make a fool of someone, maybe you should learn to read before you play your games.
Definitions of believe.
1. To take as true, real, etc.. 2. To trust a statement or promise of (person). 3. To suppose or think. 4. To have faith.
Now lets do Faith.
1. Unquestioned belief, specifically in God, religion, etc. 2. A particular religion. 3. complete trust or confidence. 4. Loyalty.
So, on that note since there are 4 meanings for each word, I'd like to say that I believe (to take as true, real, etc.) that some people will twist things around just to suite their purpose (whatever that may be), but I have faith (complete trust or confidence), that I can overcome whatever jabs may be sent my way, from people who have blind faith (unquestioning belief, specifically in God, religion, etc).
Have a nice day!
Montana wrote:You obviously didn't get what I was saying. My definition of believe is there in the dictionary "to suppose or think", but along with other words, it has other meanings as well. "To have faith", is there in small letters at the end of the other meanings.
Some words have more than one meaning, such as believe, so I used the definition that suites my meaning, so next time you try to make a fool of someone, maybe you should learn to read before you play your games.
Definitions of believe.
1. To take as true, real, etc.. 2. To trust a statement or promise of (person). 3. To suppose or think. 4. To have faith.
Now lets do Faith.
1. Unquestioned belief, specifically in God, religion, etc. 2. A particular religion. 3. complete trust or confidence. 4. Loyalty.
So, on that note since there are 4 meanings for each word, I'd like to say that I believe (to take as true, real, etc.) that some people will twist things around just to suite their purpose (whatever that may be), but I have faith (complete trust or confidence), that I can overcome whatever jabs may be sent my way, from people who have blind faith (unquestioning belief, specifically in God, religion, etc).
Have a nice day!
you will not believe in anything without argumentation and proof? Correct?
Call it what you will. In both cases, faith is included.
Another description might be....the ascent of the mind to believe that which is told by another withough proof.
Faith is not just for the religious.
Intrepid wrote:Montana,
Call it what you will. In both cases, faith is included.
I disagree Intrepid.
Intrepid wrote:Another description might be....the ascent of the mind to believe that which is told by another withough proof.
Don't really understand what you mean here.
Intrepid wrote:Faith is not just for the religious.
Here I agree.
Intrepid wrote: :wink:

Wow. I don't really even know what to say about this. blakblak clearly came to this thread looking for a fight. I don't know who did what to agitate him/her so, but I'm going to go ahead and apologize on their behalf.
Chill the hell out.
real life wrote:Setanta wrote:real life wrote:blakblak wrote:God does not exist
blakblak read it on the internet.
It must be true.
Those folks KNOW.
This from the King of quoting.....creationist web sites
Claims like this have gotten you into trouble before. Let's see if you can support yourself any better this time........
In over 6500 posts, how many times have I quoted a creationist web site, Setanta?
(hint: It's a very small number)
You're really **** at this sort of thing. I used to believe that you'd never learned logical thought. Now i've come to believe that you have been actively conditioned to be illogical. Of your more than 6500 discrete examples of horse manure, it wouldn't matter how many contained links to bullshit creationist web sites, it only requires that you cite them more frequently than anyone else to make you the "King" of citing bullshit creationist web sites.
You really are a moron, it's just breathtaking.
"Real life" read it at a bullshit creationist web site.
It must be true.
Those clowns KNOW ! ! !