Sat 16 Nov, 2002 03:46 pm
Hello all,
Joined a few days ago, but only just got round to testing out the site. Are there any British on board?
I don't know, london. But will a greeting from Oz, in the colonies, do? (just kidding!)
Welcome & enjoy!
Hi london!
I believe Tommy is.
You can also check (this is assuming everyone has listed their location in their profile, which isn't necessarily the case) by going to the Member list and sorting on location. Many of the locations are blanks so it shouldn't take too long to sift through the ones that are there.
Oh, and welcome! :-D
Steve (as 4100) is as well. McTag is a British member, too.
Oh, jolly good, london! See you around A2K.
Thanks Walter, nice to have a fellow European to put our case across.
Hi jespah, a usefull tool, will try that out.
Gautam is from London, London.
I am not sure if most Oz folk ARE of Brit descent any more - I should know that too. I have energy to look it up?
I am from Canada as well London.
Worcester lad here.Originally I mean.Haven´t been there since the late 80´s.Good to see you here London.
Greetings from Manchester.
I am from London. But I am not British..well not yet - the home office is sitting on my citizenship application for months now
Do I count ?
Gautam, you certainly do count! Nice to see you. I was sunniegirl in Abuzz, decided to do a moniker makeover here.
I'm not from london, nor have I ever been there, but welcome to A2K, london.
Welcome to the contingent from the British Isles from another canajun. Wonderful to see Thinkzinc checking in here :grin: .
technicaly i'm a brit. but firstly i'm a londoner, secondly i'm english.
nothing against the rest of the island but london is the heart and soul.
OAK! Long time, no see. Welcome aboard.