Sat 23 Aug, 2003 03:03 pm
An original recipe by BumbleBeeBoogie
4 cups granulated white sugar
2 cups boiling water
1 vanilla bean
2-ounce jar instant coffee powder (dark Yuban Antigua is the best)
1 5th of brandy (any inexpensive brandy will do)
Combine the sugar and coffee powder in a large pot; add the boiling water and stir well. Remove from the heat. Add the vanilla bean and the brandy.
Transfer the liquid to a large measuring cup. Using a funnel, pour the Kahlua into a dark glass wine-type bottle. Cap or cork the bottle. Store in a dark place for 30 days before using. Makes 1/2 gallon of delicious Kahlua.
When the Kahlua has been aged for 30 days, you may retrieve the vanilla bean and add it to a canister of granulated white sugar to flavor the sugar for use in other recipes.