wattsie wrote:Interesting to note that most of the responses to my Machiavellian type of post are women... They responded exactly as I thought they would..
Seems to me that a lot of these female respondents have little else to do other than sit in front of their computers all day talking nonsense rather than looking after the kids properly, cleaning their homes and preparing for when their man comes home....
O.K. Girls.... admit it.. I trapped you. I suggest that you all have a good look at the quality of your subject matter before rushing into print... Providing you have finished your domestic chores first....
If you dont have a man to look after..... Well, I can quite understand..
Machiavellian . . . Ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha . . . this joker cracks me up . . . conceit much? And this: " . . . have little else to do other than sit in front of their computers all day talking nonsense . . . "--oh Dog, the irony is killin' me.
What a putz. Say Wattsie, did you think you'd get anyone to rise to your idiotic sexist bait?
Ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha . . .
This guy is too precious . . .