Reyn wrote:Roberta wrote:I didn't think to mention that I've written a few books (which have been published). And that a thread I started on abuzz was published in the NY Times.
Well, very impressive! Fiction / non-fiction?
Two textbooks, one style manual.
ooh, forgot about relatives. My great-grandmother was a Macdonald -- as in Sir John A. -- not a really close relative though (she was a teetotaler

Roberta wrote:Reyn wrote:Roberta wrote:I didn't think to mention that I've written a few books (which have been published). And that a thread I started on abuzz was published in the NY Times.
Well, very impressive! Fiction / non-fiction?
Two textbooks, one style manual.
That's great, Roberta, I never knew.
My father is a retired college professor and he has had only one book published.
I had tea with Jackie Kennedy--and 500 other media-connected women.
I had tea with the Baroness Rothschild--and 26 other faculty members.
A bear came to tea in my back yard and ate all my birdseed. I forgave her. She was a nursing mother.
related to Grover Cleveland as previously mentioned, William shakespeare and Samuel Morse (my middle name).
Shared the stage with many famous and talented bands and musicians including James Brown, Peaches and Herb, the McCoys, Allman brothers, Dixie Dregs, Iron Butterfly, Van Halen and more....recorded with some of the Skynrd fellas and Atlanta rhythm section guys....partied with too many rockstars to count, which was big fun.
also when doing stand up had the privilege of opening for some incredibly funny and talented people, Steven Wright and Richard Jenni probably being my two favorites.
Shared my bed and life with squinney, which I consider a much more rewarding accomplishment than the couple of thousand who came before her.
I can twirl my penis in a circle using no hands.
I can vouch for the latter.
As far as sharing bed and life with me being an accomplishment... Well, yeah, I'll go ahead and give him that one, too. I'm sure it wasn't easy.
No. We live about a mile and a half apart. Still work together on event kinda stuff. Still share a cub. Still share a bottle of red now and then.
Noddy24 wrote:A bear came to tea in my back yard and ate all my birdseed. I forgave her. She was a nursing mother.
This is the right answer, right?
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:also when doing stand up had the privilege of opening for some incredibly funny and talented people, Steven Wright and Richard Jenni probably being my two favorites.
I don't know who these folks are, but I'm sure if I say "good job", it will be warranted!
Bi-Polar Bear Wrote:
Quote:related to Grover Cleveland as previously mentioned, William shakespeare and Samuel Morse (my middle name).
Quote:Shared the stage with many famous and talented bands and musicians including James Brown, Peaches and Herb, the McCoys, Allman brothers, Dixie Dregs, Iron Butterfly, Van Halen and more....recorded with some of the Skynrd fellas and Atlanta rhythm section guys....partied with too many rockstars to count, which was big fun.
Quote:Shared my bed and life with squinney, which I consider a much more rewarding accomplishment than the couple of thousand who came before her.
Quote:I can twirl my penis in a circle using no hands.
Helicopter! Helicopter! >ha< :wink:
Reyn wrote:RP wrote:yes, it's buried in a desk drawer somewhere at my folk's.
the Post photo is also there, framed and hanging...
I tell you what. You show yours, and I'll show mine (that was in the paper)!

sounds kinky -- it's a deal...
jes wrote:I held 12 offices and won a regional award for chapter service.
don't forget the many Regional awards you've won...
worked for a human rights group and spoke english, thus i was often interviewed to give statements on racially motivated crimes etc., and organized events so i had my photo or was on TV news often enough back in the day. Also, from 6-15 years old I was in a theatre group and was called to TV to either sit as audience, or to moderate kid shows, later i did one year of a teenage show (a 2 hour block with music, short films, interviews, etc.)- once or twice a month.
I also had a two page spread with photos in a Slovak weekly, but that is none of my doing- the claim to fame there is my dad (it was and article about me and about another daughter of another illustrati), who held a number of high posts in politics, academia and non-profit world after the communism fell.
Oh, and there was also my time as the president of the gay and lesbian league of slovakia (for about a month or less) - i was their first president for we (the human rights group) helped them to organize and get to places in the parliament and government. that gave me a temporary fame, especially among my friends and led to a few articles, interviews and the like.
But, it's very easy to get air time or into the paper in Slovakia. It's but a larger village.
I was in a music video. Forgot all about that.
that's not the kind of thing you just forget!
What can I say?

It was many years ago and not a major artist.