I have
very hard rusty scaly well water. Browsing the threads, I didn't see any mention of Raindance water softeners and whole house filters. Would one of you experts please read the info on this page and see what you think?
Here's what it does, in brief:
Quote: The Iron Eater Is designed to soften your hard water as well as remove Iron, and Manganese.
# Removes up to 110 grains per gallon hardness (1,881 mg/l)
# Removes up to 25ppm (25mg/L) Iron ( Ferrous & Ferric).
# Removes 2ppm of manganese.
Now this one doesn't include H2S filtering like some of their others, but it appears to be reasonably priced, since evidently they always have some sort of sale/discount price.
Raindance has been in business 80 years and claims the Army and EPA and other government agencies, schools, Century 21, Coldwell Banker and other large organizations use Raindance, so it's not a flybynight company. Their web page design really needs help, though...ugh!
I like the idea of THIS unit since it has a powerful iron/manganese filter built in. Our other option is to stick with our rented Ecowater unit which isn't softening nearly enough and buy a separate iron filter for our horrible rusty water.
Any knowledgeable input will be greatly appreciated.