Sat 15 Dec, 2007 05:46 pm
lady Osso just left, she fixed clam/anchovy pasta. I only had two plates full. It was awful. I will eat the remainder for breakfast.
She mentioned how distasteful that Particular dish was to you, and endeavored to displease you, I'm certain...
It wasn't bad, if I do say so... No virtue of mine: it's a good recipe.
Only trick was timing the pasta with the great horse scene in the movie Cutter's Way...
The horse scene in Cutter's Way was breathtaking, but osso, the incredible cook she is, managed beautifully.
every as good as CHeF boydee
I find it very nice of bob to take care of remaining food, so that you don't have to throw it away...
A very considerate man, this old codger
(Hi, big D from all of us.)