Thu 13 Dec, 2007 11:24 pm
My plumbers are having issues trying to understand the installatio nand how to hook up the system so that it could be backwashed into a drain.
There are three units
Carbon based filter
AQC Head
Water Softener
They assume they go in that order as well. We are going to add a seidment filter to prevent sand from packing the system down due to the well.
How do they setup the lines to allow for backwashing.
Any schematics online. I have the user guide that Rainsoft emailed me but they have not sent me the install guide like I asked.
The local Rainsoft Dealer wants 1095 to come out and install and set it up.
Th plumbers are already doing the whole hose so paying someone else is not in the budget. Any help.....Pretty Please....
The order sounds right although I don't know what the ACQ head thing is. It sounds like a model number for a control valve. Is it another filter or control valve for the softener?
Do you actually have sand in the raw water? If so how did you determine it is sand?
They should use 5/8" CTS PE tubing for the drain line. There should be a barbed or compression type fitting to connect the drain line to on each control valve. Then you run it to a drain from a sink etc. using a trap or into a sink etc.. You should have an air gap meaning.... if the sewer line etc. backs up, the water doesn't touch the end of this drain line. Don't let them use 1/2" CPVC, it's too small and will cause incorrect backwashing. Go to 3/4" if CPVC. Or 1/2" IPS PVC.
Gary Slusser
The internet water softener and well pump goto guy since Jan 1997.
The AQC is the control valve on top of the conditioner tank
We know it is sand due to the culligan man said it was and then everyone else in the area complains about the same thing.
I added a sediment filter down to 25 microns before.
I am going to build a valve board above the unit and replumb it so that I can back wash the system without having to remove the tanks from the valve assemblies.
Thanks for the help now I need to fix a leaking valve. One of the bpass valves on top leak from around the valve position indicator which I am hoping is just an Oring