Sat 16 Nov, 2002 07:29 am
Most of my cliches aren't original.
What I need is some new cliches.
One of my favorite put-downs is, "Im underwhelmed"
"Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?". ~ Mae West
" If I said that you have a nice body,
would you hold it against me???""
LOL, I am underwhelmed thats not a gun in your pocket please don't hold it against me.
You gotta think fast on yer feet, Boss.
When i go inta the bank, er a store, er suchlike, the commonest greeting in the New Nited States is "Hi!"
I always respond: "God, i wish i were!"
(Only about half the population "gets it," the rest stare blankly.)
The point being, make it up as you go along.
I think you´re being generous when you say "half the population".
Hebba, you one baaaaaaaaaaaaaad man . . .
heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .
Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid.
"Always plan ahead. That way, you never have to do anything right now." I stole that from "Tremors". While they're sorting out the logic, you can usually make good your get-away.
"I thought I'd thought of everything ... "
One of many remarkable lines from Pink Floyd.
I've always remarked, in appropriate circumstances:
"Crime usually does not pay because of the calibre of those who go into the profession . . ."
An astute observation Mr.S.
Sex and death, that's all there is. When ever I say that I always get some attention in a crowd.
Hmmmmm - I am fond of Dorothy Parker's line "What fresh hell is this?" when the phone rings. Being, as I am, a simple soul, I also enjoying saying, from time to time, when the dreaded ringing intrudes - "That'll be the phone." - very dry and dead-pan.
Can you see that work has dimmed the bucolic pleasures of the Edison apparatus for me?
He he, here's my favorite:
"I've only been wrong once in my life. I'd thought I was wrong but I wasn't."
Back in the good ole B&W television days, there was a show called "What's My Line?" Unfortunately, if they had any lines, I don't remember 'em. It's sorta like Sam Goldwyn said, "We've passed a lot of water since then."
My favorite line which comes to mind tonight is
I may be funny, but looks aren't everything.