Cycloptichorn wrote:Okay, so has anyone at TNR been pro-Obama? I think not.
TNR has been the DLC website for a long time now; arguing in favor of war, wiretapping, limited torture, consistently against impeachment. It's not surprising to me that 'sobering after sobering' pieces are written there, each with a subtle negative slant towards Obama's chances.
Oh, bullshit.
If you think TNR is just "the DLC website" and is still "arguing in favor of war, wiretapping, limited torture", you must just not have read anything on the site (except possibly Marty Peretz' blog) for a couple of years now.
I'd say that the current editors are about half leaning to Obama, a quarter indifferent, and a quarter for Hillary.
Even Peretz, admittedly Mr. Evil himself but then again luckily no longer the owner of the magazine, prefers Obama. But Peretz is in any case the odd duck out at the whole magazine, he's only got his mini-me Jamie Kirchik, all the other editors are pretty much your typical liberals.
Eg, when about a month back an explicitly pro-Hillary article was published, one of the TNR editors immediately published a counterargument of his own.
Right now the blog is running a series of endorsements for the Democratic race from invited outsiders, and they seem to be pretty evenly spread between Obama and Hillary.
Note that much of the criticism I posted here of Obama from TNR is actually from the
left - notably Jonathan Cohn's articles about health care and mandates.
Even these strategic reflections are arguably from a perspective to the left of the Obama's current campaign, emphasising how his current strategies and appeal is too much directed to the upmarket youth, and too little sensitive to what working class whites need to hear.
Well, et cetera. If you read TNR you'd know. Now you're just doing the kill-the-messenger thing, but that doesnt solve anything. It just turns off people who are sympathetic to Obama but sceptical about a number of things.