Ticomaya wrote:dlowan wrote:Ticomaya wrote:dlowan wrote:Why.would.it.de.such.a.crisis,Walter
How dare you question the significance of this thread, rabbit!

I DIDN'T question the significance of a thread about international news in the international news forum. I asked a clarifying question about the news.
You, however, DID so question. On what basis I cannot imagine, but so it goes.
No, I did not. If you thought I did, you join Walter in failing to correctly understand what I was asking.
And so it goes ...
Actually, you're right.
No, you didn't.
However, I think you can see how your first post was very open to interpretation, and this:
"Because someone, somewhere might be interested in what's going on with Switzerland's cabinet elections?
Still wondering if that applies. Help me out, Walter."
was rather provincial, don't you think?
I would imagine all the Swiss, and many people living near them, and, as it turns out, anyone well versed in Swiss history, would be interested.
"Did I say I don't care about international news, OE? I asked my question in an effort to find out why this topic deserved a thread of its own. Still not sure it does.
Reading comprehension still not your forte, I see."
only added fuel to the fire.
I would be interested to see if you would similarly question the relevance of a thread about the minutiae of US political process.