Exactly, Joe!
When I gave my mom sozlet's class picture this year I assumed she'd want a larger size but she said she wanted a smaller one because she has sozlet's baby pictures everywhere and so she doesn't have room (but she doesn't want to take any old pictures down). So I thought a digital photo frame might be perfect, but I researched and the reasonably-priced ones have all kinds of frustrated reviews, and that leaves the unreasonably-priced ones.
I expect the unreasonably-priced ones will keep getting cheaper, so maybe in 5 years or something.
Kicky, go for it, and make sure to slip in a JPG of you and Gus with the sheep.
After thinking about this for a while, I'm with you Kicky. $130 is a lot to spend on something like this, in my opinion.
When it comes to electronics, I always wait until the price goes way down before I buy.
This must be a fairly new item, judging by the cost.
I received a digital frame as the last ever wrap gift from a show...
It was sorta nice, better than the gift from the year before,
(stick with clothing, people! Or at least something useful!)
And it came with a memory card that had behind the scenes photos of all 5 seasons on it.
So, we plug it in and watch it.... It had music too...
Out of, like a half hours worth of photos, there was only one photo of us painters, we are working, none of us are looking happy or at the camera. And our paint charge was never pictured...
The carpenters, and set dressers only had a few more photos than that.
Sad commentary of how far down the food chain the people who actually create the sets are.... (five years!)
Sorry, got off track there. So digital photo frame...
Let me think... It's back in it's box.... maybe on a shelf downstairs?
No, I don't really get the attraction. It's like setting your monitor for one photo or a slide show...
Maybe I should give it another chance....
yeah, whatever.
cari(I like Joe's story)bou
I agree. I don't like this at all Kicky!
How can we convince them that this is a waste of money? Maybe we could think of something much better that you all know your mom would love.
Tell us about your mom and we'll come up with something.
Kicky's mom would like him to come home, live in the basement, go to church regularly, find G*d, and babysit his brother's kids.
I think 1/3 the cost of a digital picture frame is perfect.
Damn cheap actually.
Oh great! Now I don't know where to go with this!

Yeah, I decided not to get it for my mom, but it's a reasonable gift (it's not, like, I dunno, a porcelain carousel or something) and I don't think it sounds like it's worth the agita to refuse to pay, or come up with something better, or any of that.
And maybe she'll love it!
Okay, so it's not really about the digital frame thing. I see.
It seems a choice between
A: ponying up the $43 and not have to think about it anymore.
B: coming up with a better idea.
What's it going to be?
Excellent way of phrasing it, caribou.
My parents insist on only receiving consumables for gifts. Hmm... booze or summer sausage?
Summer sausage? For Christmas? Who thinks this stuff up anyway?
Personally I despise most summer sausage but a good smoked German beef salami - now that's a present.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?
$43? And is this all you have to get for your mom? If so, it's $43, and you don't even have to make a decision as to what to get her.
I think it's a cool gift.
kickycan wrote:Okay, so merry christmas everybody. I'm going to look at porn now.
There's a use for the frame. Think of the stoies they'd tell at future Christmas gatherings to which you are no longer invited.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?
$43? And is this all you have to get for your mom? If so, it's $43, and you don't even have to make a decision as to what to get her.
I think it's a cool gift.
Don't listen to Slappy! What's so cool about it? I love pictures and I don't want one, so why would she want one?
A full season of Ms. Tequila on a chip to go with the frame.
DrewDad is a BAD man.
Ms. Tila Tequila is an aquaintance of my buddy Ted....
In fact she almost won one of the Surviving Nugent episodes.
Kicky, you don't have a problem with your s-i-l, do you?
DrewDad, I'm with your parents. I loooooove food baskets.
I do have a problem with my S-I-L usually, but I'm not having any problems with her as far as this is concerned. I just have a feeling it will be one of those gifts that turns into just another unused thing to be dusted after about a week. No big deal though.
I actually said back on about page 2 that I was just going to go along and put my share in for the digital picture frame, so I don't know what all the fuss has been about since then. Maybe it's because I mentioned that I was going to watch some "pron" as Chumly puts it.
So you just whimped out! All that work for nothin! Thanks Kicky
Actually, the easy way isn't so bad either