Tue 11 Dec, 2007 03:42 pm
And why would anybody want one? My sister-in-law is asking me if I want to pitch in with her and my brother to get one for my mother. The one she wants to get costs $130. Can someone explain to me the benefits of a digital picture frame? And what could be so great that would make it worth that much goddammed money?
It's kind of a 21st century slideshow.
Put in a memory card (or USB cable or something similar), Gramma can watch pix of the grandkids all day long. Or pix of you and your shiny one. Or pix of the trip to Italy.
$130 is not an expensive one.
Kind of a neat-ish idea.
Throw in 1/3rd.
Like an MP3 player, but for pictures.
Has Kicky been living in a cave the last few years?
Or is he just getting old? Problems with his iPod, problems keeping up with technology....
Oh fer chrissake Kicky . . . cheapskate . . . cough up the $43.50 . . .
speaking of that trip to Italy, Aunt Osso is still waiting for pics...
There is one that I am looking at getting for my mother.
It connects ( via telephone wire..

) to the internet at night and loads pictures, emails and text that I update to her website.
I don't care for them personally but your mom probably will. My mother would have loved something like that.
So it's what, like a computer monitor that shows pictures? Sounds like a goddammed screensaver. Big deal. Over a hundred dollars for a screensaver? Sounds like a big screw job to me.
No, Kicky, it's an attractive frame that sits on a table or a mantel just like any other picture frame. With this one, though, it cycles through the photos you've loaded into it (chip or via cable) and shows one after another for a preset time.
It's not connected to your computer while it's working. You can put it anywhere you like, and stop it on one photo or use the slide show feature.
Go look at a Radio Shack ad.
Yeah, I'm sure it's just fantastic. I also know I'll be the one who has to figure out how to hook it up, set it up, and make it do all those neato features that I'm sure it will take a team of computer engineers to figure out.
But yeah, I told my sister-in-law I'm in. Whatever. Another Christmas nugget of crap.
You sound like you need a few shots of tequilla.
The only tequila I'm having tonight is Tila Tequila. Vicious fistfights and lingering lesbotronic makeout sessions...this is great television.
Okay, so merry christmas everybody. I'm going to look at porn now.
Kicky yer my hero.......
('cept for the Steeler part...)
Hey, thanks Rockhead. Yer mine too...
('cept...who couldn't love the Pittsburgh Steelers? The Steel Curtain? The immaculate reception? ...what's not to love?)
If I Gave My Parents a Digital Picture Frame
Mom: What's this? A picture of nothing?
Joe: No, mom, it's a digital picture frame. It's shows your pictures.
Pop: What?
Mom: You put them in this? (Looks at the back.)
Joe: I'll load them in from my computer...
Pop: Who's pictures?
Joe: and then you'll see. Where can we plug it in?
Mom:Plug it in? You have to PLUG in IN, Pop.
Pop: Where? Where are we ... .?
(The living room tables are filled, crammed, with ceramic angels and Hummel figurines. There is no wall space because every inch is covered with shelves and the shelves are filled with knickknacks, souvenirs, keepsakes and the odd bit of plastic and metal pieces that came off of something years old but that can't be thrown out in case we ever figure out where they came from.)
Joe: I brought some pictures of the grandkids growing up.
Pop: I think there is a open outlet in the upstairs hallway.
Mom:After Christmas we could put it on top of the tv. (The tv is now covered with a full set of Wise Men, Camels, Shepherds, sheep, Holy Mary and Child and a Joseph who always looks a little out of it to me.)
After some struggle we find a way to keep Pop's am/fm radio and his lamp and his heatpad all plugged in AND plug in the Digital Picture Frame. I load in the pictures and we begin to watch.
Mom: (After twenty pictures of grandchildren and in various poses and soccer game action pictures.) This is nice. Is that all it does?
Joe: Yes.
Pop: Is there any pie?
Mom: Can you make it stop? I like that one of ..oh see, it's gone.
Joe: I'm sure there's a way of going back to a picture. (Looks through the fifty page manual for REVERSE. Nothing listed.
Pop: Are we going to keep that there?
Mom: There's one of your brother's dog. I don't want that one in my living room.
(Turning pages) Joe: We can take out or add up to 200 pictures... .
Mom: Two hundred pictures! I can't sit here and watch 200 pictures!
Joe: You don't have to watch it all the time. It's just to show them and enjoy them now and then.
Mom: Do I have to unplug it when I vacuum? Then what? We start over? Does it have to plug in?
Joe: You can shut it off like this:(Shuts it off)
Pop: It looks like an empty picture frame.
Mom: We'll find a place for it, sweetie, it's very nice. Thank you.
Around mid-February: the Digital Picture Frame is seen at the end of the upstairs hallway on the spare chest of drawers next to the Statue of the Infant of Prague. It is unplugged.
Joe(Mom has taped a picture of me on it.)Nation
Joe, That was priceless! Thanks for the laugh!
Kicky, I'm hearin ya, but I'd go along with it just to shut everyone up