Advice, anyone?
It's about my mandarin tree (again).
Not too long ago I gave it a really major prune ... not much choice about that as it had grown far too big & wide for the space it lives in.
I figured that there wouldn't be much/any fruit next winter, but that's OK. The major prune was really necessary.
So now (spring) I've noticed that the (heaps of) new growth is covered in aphids. I've notice ants on the new growth as well.
PLUS quite a bit of leaf curl on the new leaves, which makes getting rid of the aphids almost impossible.
So OK, I did a bit of research online .... & the advice was not to use any treatment which involves spraying the leaves oil-based products (I usually make my own "white oil") during very hot weather because it will "cook" the leaves. (we've already had quite few really hot days this spring, followed by really heavy rain, followed by quite cold days, followed by really windy days, followed by very humid days ..... you get the picture. Extremely changeable weather.)
I tried hosing the leaves at high pressure, but the aphid infestation remains.
The leaf curl makes it too difficult to properly get rid of them, even if a hose regularly ...
THEN I read to simply remove all the affected new growth ... which means prune no#2, in a pretty short time.
So my question (finally!

) is what would you advise in the circumstances?
As I said before, I'm not too worried about missing out on next winter's crop. I'm more concerned about the health of the tree.
I was also wondering if aphids & ants could do any long-term damage to the health of the tree if left untreated.
Thanks in advance,