Why are you being so contrary, I wonder? You don't enjoy a little happiness & pleasure?

Of course I enjoy happiness and pleasure, silly.
I wudn't go down ta Time Skwaih fer all da tea in China tanight . . .
Twisted_Ferret wrote:
Of course I enjoy happiness and pleasure, silly.

Oh, good! Life's very dull without them, doncha think?
Welcome, actually I already said hi, but hi again, tf, and love flying across water to Msolga, and to drom, would like to be fly on wall. What is it now, lessee, around three in the morning in Munich. Well, I want a report, in a thousand words or more, due in 24 hours.
Setanta wrote:I wudn't go down ta Time Skwaih fer all da tea in China tanight . . .
I can understand that, Setanta. I didn't consider going to the Melbourne equivalent "festivities" last night, either. Frankly, I feel a wee bit perplexed at crowds of people suddenly going berserk because it's a second past midnight ... Must be the killjoy in me.
Community rituals...mutter...important catharsis...mutter....communal glue.....killjoys.....dammit, it's silly fun...bah humbug....
@Setanta (a.k.a, SET) & msolga: Me too.

I hate crowds, and people in general.

And - big deal, It's a new year. Woohoo...
@ossobuco: Hello. Your report is coming up.
Being a lonnnnnnng time night blind person, I have alway been somewhat wary at dark. Think of me as she who has tripped over tree roots, falling headlong, at the Greek Theater in LA, Think of me, falling in a night club in Tijuana BEFORE I had a drink. Think of, oh, never mind. Well, wait, there is the fourth of July thing at Santa Monica and Venice beaches, reminds me of war, no kidding. And the next day you read in the paper about two kids being blinded, blah blah.
I am oversensitive myself but can understand the fun of fireworks on July 4 in US and loud sounds on New Year's, but am not part of it.
I had a few spectacular new year's in other ways, and need to nail those down in memory, seems appropriate. Early on, I think I had these ephemeral fancies of rooms with crystal and candles and the perfect man. Well, geez, crystal and candles, dim light, I could cut down swaths if I tripped. (Anyone remember Paula Prentiss?) A perfect man, well, hey. Still welcome, even imperfect.
It's interesting... to me anyway, part of my enthusiasm about italian piazzas and their offshoots oe precursors, other city squares (so-called squares, not many being square) is the vast panoply of life therein and thereabout, the connection with the city, or destination for the city, and the history that happened within them, which I have annotated to some degree, all of that a mere drop in the bucket.
Well, if I could gather academic wits, which I don't have, as I am just an amateur, Times Square would make a study site.
My idea of NYEve is the sofa and a sense of well being, however cobbled together, and this I wish to all of you, except perhaps you'd like your computer chair, fine by me.
Perhaps, Osso, my sweetiepie and i might some, say, fourth of july, spend the evening with you--as i have exceptionally good night vision, despite being myopic (clinically, folks, no cheap jokes) . . . i've stood on a night only lit by stars, and looked directly in the face of people a few feet away who apparently cannot see me at all. That is a spooky feeling as well, my friend . . . the best of New Years to you, Osso . . .
I <3 fireworks. Call me.. The Firework Ferret. 8)
Setanta, I take your post to heart. Love to meet with your sweetie and look at the purported sky.
One of the first times I cottoned on to being different was when a friend and I were coming back from Mammoth (skiing/thanksgiving) and were stuck in her Porshe forget the number but the balloony one, in the Mojave, just by the side of the road when no one would stop for us. We actually had two flats that night, and were towed into whatsis. Memorable for me - that she pointed to all the stars and I didn't see them.
But, ne'er mind. Turned out it all wasn't all that progressive. I got excited about going blind for nothing. I am just the same.
Anyway, I'd love to meetyaboth.
You dinna LOOK like a ferret.....
o< : B
That looks more like a ferret - or a mouse or rat - teehee...
Oh, yes, I am myopic too, but since I have cataracts (ME??? early, they are, but then cataracts seem to be a one timer, heh, we'll see. Getting one fixed in next two weeks. Apparently, given routine results which I don't count on, having been around various bends, I will see better in that eye than I have for decades. Will report.)
Jo/osso, happy new year to all digressors.
Happy knew yeer osso.
@dlowan: Cool! 8) Very creative.

Gotta save that...
Anyway, as soon as I get my avvy up you'll see what I really look like.
Whoo, lotta emoticons there!!

And there's another!
G'day twisted ferret - and welcome to A2K - and digressia...
Want some more emoticons?