Did you rule out Kapuskasing entirely then?
Interesting... but a little isolated re my life, for me...
Setanta wrote:The Uzbeks live too close to Afghanistan, i'd say Armenia.
That's true, Setanta; and, unfortunately, the Uzbek régime- which often kills people by scorching them in hot water couldrons- is not really compatible with someone who doesn't put up with that kind of oppression. Although Margo's suggestion that I could learn Uzbek to do one over other scrabblers is rather interesting.
Funnily enough, Bill, I spent a few days in Ulan Bator once, and it was an amazing ghost city; I certainly would not live there, though I once imagine buying a flat there and renting it out.
Eva wrote:May I suggest a tropical island, drom? Your job prospects might not be any better, but if all else fails, you can sleep on the beach.
That's very true, Eva; some little piece of tropical paradise would be better than the cold of Armenia; but whereas rents there are £10 a month, it's obviously costlier someplace more æsthetic. I was thinking of buying an island, years ago, but the only one that I could afford was in Nova Scotia. I did see a farm in Belize that I could buy right now, near the sea, going for $7,000.
Ossobuco wrote:So, Drom, have you been to Cappadoccia, by any chance?
Unfortunately no; I had the opportunity to go on a trip that would have taken in almost all of Turkey, including a few days in (admittedly amazing) Cappadoccia, but my health was not at its greatest point, and so I couldn't go; I'd love to see there, though; although I'd agree that the place to be would be Italy...
Edit- changing blue to dark blue.
That's easy for you to say, Deb.
Good God, Belize??? Buy that farm! Buy that farm!!!
Good plan!
I have a thriving house plant brought from Belize (probably illegally) by a friend who still waxes rhapsodic about her long visit there. Whenever I water it, I make a wish to go to Belize. My friend told me that everyone speaks a beautiful lilting English there. The weather is super. The waters are warm... the people are friendly. Life is good in Belize.
You can certainly come, Piffka-- if I get it, of course; I would not charge you! Apparently it has all sorts of fruit trees and a quaint little private beach; it sounds perfect, and it's not that far away from a city either. Plus, I think of all the road trips possible: to Chile, to the US... I'm going to put an offer in, spontaneous as it is.
oooooooohhhh! a farm by the sea, oh, gee...
hmmm, marshy? Still, that would mean lots of birds, wouldn't it?
Is there a building on it?
Haven't you re-retired YET Margo?
Thanks loads, Drom. Reciprocity awaits you here.
I worry, however, about your taking a road trip to CHILE! Egads... sounds like a National Geographic adventure. <I think I will look at maps & such.>
Still trying to remember the name of my Belize plant... Bella something, a vine with teeny flowers.
Thanks Piffka, I'd certainly take you up on anything; as for the whole plot, well it could become something like the Belize HQ of A2K, in time.
As for the trips to Chile: I was imagining, out of the thirteen or fourteen holiday weeks in the summer, spending nine there, and the rest travelling around the Americas, probably in a big van, with whoever would want to come...
Cool! PNW in the
summer is definitely a good plan. Your idea for a van road trip reminds me of a trip one of Mr.P's cousins took... in a bus called "Further."
In a bus? A schoolbus, or a doubledecker? When I was younger, I wanted to drive from Vancouver to Chile in a bus...
Yes--- PNW in the winter is damp and wet, I suppose? You know, I always said that, if I were to move to America, I'd choose to live in either Oregon or Washington state...
Back on subject - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh

I look into the inner bowels and see disillusionment, where is the beef
Oh no, have you been eating mad cow? Or tainted salmon?
Drom -- Under all that paint is an old school bus.