I have, to the best of my recollection, never read a word by Clive Cussler.
<runs and hides his face in abject shame>
Yikes..I got confused.
Craven is right, Andrew. Crichton was a better writer in the respect that he was more measured having been in med school, but both Cussler and he played upon the unthinkable, and made us think it was believable.
Now I must knit up my ragged sleeve and sleep.
Goodnight from Florida
Yes, till next year - good night
I think I missed rthe last bit of this thread! Have to have a good read up.
Never read Clive Cussler...
Raise the Titanic, Deb, my friend..and that's where Dirk Pitt did begin. too bad the movie adaption was lacking certain inspiration..I would have chosen someone else to play the role, perhaps myself...but then I fear the gender gap would leave me hanging on the shelf of deep six questions, and I fear the SCUBA stuff would be quite drear. Now don't go grrrrrrr, cause that's my line and then there's Night Probe..want to know exactly where that book did go? T'was quite a silly premise, really, that we of America owned polar Canada.
Why not? You own everything else - lol!
I notice you are all making sense, what is THAT about? Crichton, I read him early on, and moved along. Not in my memory enough now to critique. But hey, I finished what ever the books I read were, which is something.
I am in a state of relief and dismay - my company for the last five days (niece, her father, and one more friend for two of the days) just left a couple of hours ago. Resting..........
And what was the person for the other three days, ossoB?
group one - my exhusband's brother and his daughter, who I insist on calling my niece, here since Christmas eve day, and
group two - my friend Lynn, on a mission to deliver me a painting and have dinner, not staying at house.
Wonderful times, mostly quiet ones. There was the effort to find the far end of Grizzly Bluff Road. It was on the north side of Rio Dell, but not as far as Metropolitan Road. In fact, it didn't exist for several back and forths. You have to know where it is to know where it is. But once on it, ooooohwee, damn, I had no camera. Hope bro-in-law's came out. STOP!
take that!!! I know, not serene to do that. But the sky was filled with black and white clouds and that wildeyed light that comes through illuminating the almost chartreuse grasses - and the victorian buildings surrounding the dairy farms were seeming particularly priceless right about now. You come down from that road at Ferndale, right around the old cemetary. I'd call it kitchy but it stops short of that as a town, I like the place.
hard enough to keep track of who one is, oneself, frankly - entropy and gravity being what they are.
And time.
So, like, if the onion-verse is inherently entropic, won't entropy eventually run out of steam, and things will stop degrading?
Then there will be "cold death" state.
No, no, no, then you get syntropy (Albert Szent-gyorgy). a contrived state to me, but amusing to think about.
Ok, spit it out. What is syntropy?
Syntropy, I had the paper in my hands once, and it made perfect sense at the time, and as i remember it, sort of a pulling together with conjoining results.....a reasonalble leap when things DO work together.
I admit I haven't heard of syntropy since then, ummm, 25 yrs ago. But I liked the idea.
Entropy = breakdown, syntropy = build up, as I remember it. In that one paper at the time.
I see by my internet explorations that that is now used as some component of creationist theory, so let me bow out as that is not how I fantasized syntropy.
If owls are confused, what can a Wabbit hope to be?