What possessed me Monger? The spirit of turkeys past and yet to come - squeaking and gibbering in the streets of Rom.... I mean the USA - their tragic forms - bereft of feather, drumstick and breast meat - endlessly stalking the scenes of their consumption in little, ghostly, skeletal flocks - carrying signs with words like "So - just who is thankful, jerks?"
And I have another muse - who shall remain nameless....the turkeys are enough....
I believe I shall soon have a litle flock of ghostly free-range chooks and a school of skeletal fish outside my own home.......
And a bed of li'l snow peas and fancy lettuces....
I thought until I discovered university!
Laughing at Setantas last post.
I've never seen a red duck, let alone one with a penchant for curry . . .
Well. I'm not exactly too sure of his heritage or geographical progression, but he usually comes to my home via the local Thai restaurant!
So they deliver,these Thai folks?
Green Curry Duck (bebek hijau - um ummmmmmmmmm!)
Now, green ducks i've seen, green grebes, too . . .
Margo, I did like you said. I ducked. But no red curry came flying in my direction. What's up with that?
Now we have a DUCK thread?!
Any smegger who mentions duct tape is dead......
'Pears all heads ducked when you when you set that one off, Deb.