Paradise Lost - The Robin Hood Hills Murders

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 11:34 am
JJ is more adorable, gorgeous, and precious than ever! He now will come80unning when I call him and I can pretty much pet him anytime I choose to. What a feeling that is! Lulu is letting me brush her too BTW and oh boy, does she need it!
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 11:40 am
I think the youtube link I posted for you David is the same show as the one I saw when we first started this thread. It seems to be anyway.

I know one thing. I am just as appalled, upset, I don't even know the right word for how I feel but seriously, think about this! If this had happened to your child, your town, etc., would you act like these people? I find their behavior so inappropriate. Do not ask me why this upsets me like it does but it does. Pamela Hobbs laughing and joking with the interviewer? Damien acting like nothing in the world phases him and Jason laughing? No matter what, three innocent little boys were killed! I don't see how anyone could ever laugh when discussing it.

It is true we all act in different manners in respond to different situations but I find this very disturbing.

This is hard to watch but I'm going to get all the way through it again and I'm going to read the book I just got. I need this to be settled in my mind somewhere as to if I think they are guilty or not.
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 12:05 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
JJ is more adorable, gorgeous, and precious than ever! He now will come80unning when I call him
and I can pretty much pet him anytime I choose to. What a feeling that is! Lulu is letting me brush her too BTW
and oh boy, does she need it!
When I was his age, I haddn 't figured out how to crawl, yet.
He knows u r a member of the family!

Do thay LIKE to be brushed ?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 02:12 pm

I wish those boys had been suitably armed for self-defense.
If each had a defensive handgun, preferrably a revolver,
this woud not have happened, and it coud not have happened.
Note that each victim was in full and perfect compliance with every gun control law and helpless,
so the perverted predator was SAFE, thanks to the legislature.

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 04:42 pm
You mean the boys that were killed? They were only eight years old. I don't think guns in their hands would have helped. I know lots of people see those videos and think "hillbillies" or "inbreds", etc. Honestly, I am sure the TV people probably played that angle up.

It sure doesn't seem to me that those three boys had much in the way of parenting when it came to being safe. Of course, I don't know all about them either.

Of all the true crimes I have read this one rips at my heart the most. And it's not only because of the three little murder victims. There were so many victims in this crime and still continue to be and I think will be until the truth is finally known.

I'm going to read this other book and do some comparing it with the other book and the videos.

Oh and I doubt Joy will have another baby but Indy is going to be bred next March.
Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2010 05:12 am
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
You mean the boys that were killed? They were only eight years old. I don't think guns in their hands would have helped. I know lots of people see those videos and think "hillbillies" or "inbreds", etc. Honestly, I am sure the TV people probably played that angle up.

It sure doesn't seem to me that those three boys had much in the way of parenting when it came to being safe.
Of course, I don't know all about them either.

Of all the true crimes I have read this one rips at my heart the most. And it's not only because of the three little murder victims. There were so many victims in this crime and still continue to be and I think will be until the truth is finally known.

I'm going to read this other book and do some comparing it with the other book and the videos.

Oh and I doubt Joy will have another baby but Indy is going to be bred next March.
I remember u saying that Indy is tall. I hope that u will find a tall stallion for her.

To my mind, from my experience, if those 3 boys had guns, even just .38 caliber revolvers,
it woud have been near impossible for this to have happened to them and thay 'd still be in good health.

When I was 8 years and one day old, I moved from NY City to Arizona,
where guns were in much abundance and into whose possession I came within a few weeks; .38 revolver.
I took it everywhere for personal safety, until years later, I upgraded to a .44 for better stopping power.
If I had been attacked by criminals, I 'd have shot them, if I coud possibly line up a shot. I have no doubt
that my friends of the same age woud have done likewise; we 'd have deemed that obvious.
That is what defensive guns are for.

In this case, I don 't see how the criminal predators coud have executed their crimes
if one of the victims were aiming a revolver at them, let alone 3 guns aimed at them.
It simply woud have been like the climactic scene in the Stand By Me movie,
when the hero points a .45 automatic at the bad guy,
who backed down, abandoning his pernicious pursuits.
Criminals tend, generally, to be cowardly.

Do u agree ?

Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2010 06:41 am
Hi Falon
It just gets worse! I was reading affadavits on the net from different people concerning Terry Hobbs, (just punch up "Terry Hobbs, affidavits) and according to his ex wife, his sister in law, and a woman he tried to rape when he was twenty, not to mention JMB (Who is another suspect!), Terry Hobbs had a lock box on the top of his closet shelf that the daughters boyfriend broke open long after the murders. Inside were only a small necklace with a 1984 penny on it, a marble, and his own bridge. He kept these things under lock and key? And all the boys were born in 84'. Terry Hobbs was also accused in the affidavets of having molested both of his children repeatedly, beat the little boy, alot, and his wife. They say that they had his name ground off of the childs headstone. Also it states that on two occasions he bragged that with his butchering skills, he could "skin a man alive". Damien could be put to death at any time, his date is May 5th and that can be any year... Why won't the proper authorities take over this case!!! I wish the cast of Cold Case really was working on this one! http://www.wm3blackboard.com/forum/index.php
Try these two links to read all this and a whole lot more. I've never been involved in anything but I honestly wish I was a detective or something so that I could do something to actively help get to the truth. I've thought maybe they should hypotise Jessie MissKelly. Since they say he can't give a honest statement due to his IQ, perhaps hypnosis could reveal something???? And they SURE need to get after Hobbs to explain all this!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2010 07:31 am
The way you put it, it's very hard to disagree. I guess I just have a hard time seeing little 8 year old boys brandishing guns in a way that would scare someone. But that is purely my perception so I cannot disagree with you.
Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2010 07:44 am
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
The way you put it, it's very hard to disagree.
I guess I just have a hard time seeing little
8 year old boys brandishing guns in a way that would scare someone.
But that is purely my perception so I cannot disagree with you.
Well, Arella, candor moves me to say
that there is a time and a place for everything.
That was not the time for brandishing (unless that proved sufficient to quickly end the threat).
For those victims, that was the time to kill the predators, if that were necessary to their safety.
One of the 8 year old boys coud have fired a warning shot,
aiming for the large intestine of the pervert.

That shoud slow him down.
(Criminals don 't like to be shot there.)

Defensive guns are life-saving emergency equipment.
Those boys did not have have their life-saving emergency equipment.
Instead, thay obayed all existing gun control laws.
For that reason, the perverted murderers are safe and intact.
The obedient boys are not.

Arella Mae
Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2010 12:34 pm
Oh I agree about having guns for safety. I have one and so does my husband. There are lots of wild animals around here and sometimes we have to scare them off.

I guess we'll never know if those boys having a gun would have made a difference since we can't turn back time. There are just so many disturbing facets to this case.
Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2010 12:53 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
Oh I agree about having guns for safety.
I have one and so does my husband.
There are lots of wild animals around here and sometimes we have to scare them off.

I guess we'll never know if those boys having a gun would have made a difference since
we can't turn back time. There are just so many disturbing facets to this case.
Is JJ safe from them ?

Here is my defensive piece, of choice:
.44 CALIBER TAURUS MODEL 445 in stainless steel mirror.
It is brighter and more reflective
than is shown in the picture; that has been effective at night.
Loaded with hollowpoints, with W I D E cavities.


What do u and your husband like ?
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 17 Apr, 2010 04:47 pm
JJ is safe. Don't worry about that. I have a .357 Smith and Wesson revolver. Hubby has a .32 Walker.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Apr, 2010 04:18 pm
@Arella Mae,
You know there's alot of Damien's testimony that went on which wasn't covered in the doc or in the book. I have often wondered if something was said there that so convinced the jury of his guilt? I would like to read all of the court transcript if I can ever find it, and find the time...but yeah, everyone involved acted as though the boys meant little to them at all. Damien was on meds which made him seem out of it......
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 19 Apr, 2010 07:47 pm
Well, aren't court transcripts public record? I wonder if we could get a copy. I'd love to read it.

Yeah, that really bothered me falon, all that lack of any thought of those boys. They'd sometimes say the right words but their affect wasn't right. I think this case is gonna bug me until well, until the real truth is positively proven.
Reply Tue 20 Apr, 2010 03:07 pm
@Arella Mae,
Hi Arella Mae
I don't know, I just need to set down and look it up. It's like the link to those affadavits I sent to you, who would have thought all that was going on! I watched the Terry Hobbs interview with the police, and they did question him as to why he locked up his bridge after the murders and the bite mark came into question. In that locked box he kept a marble, a tiny neckchain with a 1984 penny on it, and his own bridge (upper) very suspcious. I have always suspected him just on what I knew. He was a butcher, and did brag in years later that he could "skin a man alive" with his skills. Duh. Also, the boys were tied as they would "hogtie" a animal to restrain it before butchering...(I know, horrible which is why I eat fish and chicken.), but what a coincidence, they boys were tied almost professionally or "hogtyed". And the hair at the crime scene...his and also one of his friend who he had been with all afternoon. Also, in the video of his interrogation (if you could call it that, because it was WEAK) I caught him in a lie just in one clip. He claims he saw a picture of Damien setting on his own couch with his little boy when the murders occurred. THEN he turns right around and starts fudging saying, well, he isn't sure if he actually saw the picture, or just heard about it. Come on! If I were in his position and had seen a picture of the alleged killer setting on my couch with my son, I'm sure I'd remember it!! He is always evasive, always changing his story....if they had went after him even half as hard as they went after Damien, I think we would know alot more. I still say MissKelly knew something and was there. I don't know that Damien Echols was. It is looking more and more to me as if Hobbs and his friend Jacoby (both worked at the ice cream company) may have been into kiddie porn and sick, kinky stuff..perhaps the two of them killed the boys when the game got out of hand? And also I would like to mention to anyone reading this, that they should have tested the pocket knife that Stevie carried on him, the one that mysteriously turned up in Hobb's knife collection after the murders, for blood. It could be that this knife was the very one used for the murders, being handy and found on the little boy. If they were to test it for blood, and find it on there, well, there you go, solved once and for all.......
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 20 Apr, 2010 07:54 pm
I am guessing a lot of what you said is in the new book. I need to get reading that thing! It's been such a busy week.

At first, I felt like yeah the guy with the bridge (Terry Hobbs?) seemed awfully suspicious. Sorry, I'm a bit tired but this conversation with you is so intriguing! Honestly, when it comes to Terry Hobbs I have one or two thoughts. He is either too (please forgive this word, I just don't know a better one) stupid to pull something like this off or he is so intelligent he pulled it off appearing to be too stupid.

Until I finish reading this book, I can't say much about whether the three boys were there. As of now, from the youtube videos and the first book, I say they were railroaded. I was pretty comfortable with that until you told me about the other book. So I am going to just be totally undecided on this until I finish reading it.

I cannot help but believe though, since this has gone on so long and it's been such a battle, that there is something there everyone is missing. Someone said too bad Cold Case isn't real because they'd solve it. But what about that group, The Vidoc Society (Not sure if society is right?). Police, journalists, detectives, all kinds of investigators get together and they take the case apart and start from scratch. I wonder if anyone has thought about that?
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 03:40 am
@Arella Mae,
Hi Arellan Mae,
It's five a.m. here, I have to get to Raleigh for my daughter's surgery, and am about one eye open here, but checked for your post over coffee. Do you have the two stepdad's confused? Terry Hobbs was Stevie Branch's stepdad. His wife is the blond that worked at Catfish Island as a waitress. The other dad is the one everyone usually calls "crazy". He's a big guy that plays with guns, and is everywhere in the video making strange speeches and his is the wife that died mysteriously. The other stepdad is a quiet guy that was never even questioned in the murders! Imagine that!! The police NEVER even questioned him!! And he is the one that I have wrote to you so much about as in his hair and his friends being at the crivme scene. I honestly believe he and an accomplace killed those boys. Well anyhow. Damien could be executed any May 5th of any given year...at least that is what I read on the net. Whenever the governor of Arkansas signs the paper, he will be put to death. It's just such a sad and depressing case. I will be watching on May 5th to see if they execute him this year. If all the money and publicity this is getting cannot move the hearts and concious of the Arkansas court system, I don't think there's much anyone can do.
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 06:51 am
I probably did have them mixed up falon. I apologize. I am slowly getting the book read. It's been so busy here lately.

Your daughter is having surgery? I will say a prayer for you both. May God grant you comfort and strength in this time.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 27 Apr, 2010 12:01 pm
I am having to start the book over because I just haven't had time to do any reading. I wish I could find the book on audio!

Falon, I have a couple of questions. In the very beginning of the book they refer to another boy (fourth boy) that "saw what happened" but he escaped? I don't recall reading that in the other book. It's been a long time since I read it so I might be wrong. Is there testimony from this fourth boy? Police questioning?

Also, in Blood of Innocents it goes into pretty graphic detail about the man who was in the bathroom covered in blood and mud. I don't understand why, after learning of the murders, there was not an all out manhunt for this guy? He was covered in blood and mud! Wouldn't it be common sense to at least suspect him? Yet, I don't recall any real effort to locate him.

I am watching the videos on my lunch hour and they are so sad. I really do feel the media took advantage of all those people. Sure, they are backwoods and slow and missing teeth, just the "stereotypical" rednecks but the more I watch these videos the more I see some major prejudices. They are human beings that have suffered a tragedy in their lives they may never recover from.
Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 04:53 pm
@Arella Mae,
Hi Arella Mae,
The fourth boy that is mentioned was the son of the woman that claimed Damien had taken her to a satanic get together. I forget her name, but it seems like Vicky?? I think she wanted the reward, and the police had charges against her for bad checks, so she volunteered herself to help trick Damien into a confession by having him over for drinks and having a wire on. But there was nothing that could be heard because of loud background music. She also swore that when she expressed interest in satanism, Damien took her to a sabbat. Years later, she has said most of this was lies. She became involved in the first place because Jesse Miskelly Jr. the convicted boy, not his father, used to hang out at her house, and often babysat her little boy who was about the same age as the three murdered children. She was the one that bought miskelly the liquor that he was drinking at the scene of the murders. Also the kid that made the statement caught on tape "no one knows what happened except me" and that statement is what caused Jesse Miskelly to break down during his confession.
It's so strange, their all tied together in one way or another. But I still think Hobbs is the one....and Miskelly had something to do with it....the little boy's name is Aaron.
The story about "mr. Bogangles" is completely true! The lady cop who was supposed to look into the call from Bogangles never even got out of her car, she just went through the drive thru...and she testified to that with no excuses for her behavior at the trial! I hope someday, someone will make the guilty parties tell the truth! Damien blowing kisses and licking his lips towards the grieving parents during trial did not help them believe in his innocence. It don't help me for that matter of fact, but he was a troubled teenager...and they often do senselessly cruel and disrespectful things...don't make him a murderer. There just isn't enough evidence against him for a conviction other than MisKelly's damming confession. Let me know if you find anything or come to any new conclusions! Poor Damien...the 5th is coming soon, and this may be the year the govenor signs the execution orders. If he's truly innocent, then it's horrible what has been done....

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