Sat 1 Dec, 2007 11:26 pm
If u cud take a pill
knowing that it wud cause u to live for another 2,000 years in good health,
and that u 'd live in a society with no socialism, nor any control of guns,
wud u DO it ?
If it means I will look like Gus... NO!
I will take liek 50 pills, crush them and mix em to my friends' beer. And told him "..Dude, u'll live forever now.." and leave.
I get tired of my real life. I wouldn't want to be on this earth another 2,000 years. I would also hate to see what else people can destroy all in the name of "progress".
What about yourself? Would you take that pill?
I might, but who decided the pill came with no rules on guns, Dave.
Or does it make you bulletproof, as well?
Rockhead wrote:I might, but who decided the pill came with no rules on guns, Dave.
Or does it make you bulletproof, as well?

I decided.
The pills only work while you are
well armed.
Yes please. Whoops, thought it said IMMORALITY. Where's the can opener?
Absolutely - return to the savage garden - bring it on. Buy the ticket take the ride. mahalo.
hmm... does everyone get the pill?
In that case, everyone would be immortal, and there would be no point in carrying guns around all the time. Might as well have a toy gun.
Unless we could load the guns with anti-immortality pills. First end the immortality, then kill the guy before he could pop another immortality pill. But then what would be different?
Also, for practical purposes I suggest you make the immortality pills so that they render you incapable of having children, lest there be no room to wave our guns around.