Jeez.....and I thought I was paranoid!
I swear, Montana ~ they truly are more afraid of you than you are of them.
How timely -- I've just spent all afternoon cleaning up thick spider webs from some little-used outdoor cupboards. <shudder> I wore gloves and wielded a long broom and dustpan. This month seems to be big for spiders, at least around here.
I don't like spiders! For a long time even a photograph of a spider in a book would keep me from touching the book. I've gotten over my most horrifying fears. No more blood-curdling screams from me when I see one... just a quick gasp... ackkk, not again! Here in western Washington we hardly have any dangerous spiders... just an occasional giant hobo that is supposed to give a good bite. No black widows and whether the brown recluse is here is debatable. We do have gigantic wall-walkers but I've found that they keep down the population of the other spiders so I mostly ignore them. I truly hate it though when a spider gives me a shock. My advice to spiders is: Don't run at me, don't spook me and I won't smash you. I'm attracted to some of the spiders in the garden... there's one kind that has golden spots and another that seems to be all pale green. I don't let them touch me (duh) but they don't seem so creepy. I admit I like spider webs... especially when they're covered in dew. They're so beautiful.
tip, DON'T MOVE TO GEORGIA lol I swear the home of every dangerous spider is in GA.
Ozland has some nasty spiders, like those funnel spiders....
I don't think the UK has any poisonous spiders, but even so I'd rather move somewhere colder with less natural insect/arachnid life... like northern Norway or the New Zealand mountains...
Or Canada, your passport is most likely still good...
Doesn't this just send shivers down your back? I didn't want to touch the mouse on my computer after moving this over here. A funnel spider, fat & icky.
I think it's the legs... they can reach out from underneath the mouse and touch your hand. <shudder>
Well, the legs and the possibly fatal bite...brrr....
Yeah, what's the point of that???
Ugly & deadly freakin' spiders.... ugh.
Piffka wrote:How timely -- I've just spent all afternoon cleaning up thick spider webs from some little-used outdoor cupboards. <shudder> I wore gloves and wielded a long broom and dustpan. This month seems to be big for spiders, at least around here.
I don't like spiders! For a long time even a photograph of a spider in a book would keep me from touching the book. I've gotten over my most horrifying fears. No more blood-curdling screams from me when I see one... just a quick gasp... ackkk, not again! Here in western Washington we hardly have any dangerous spiders... just an occasional giant hobo that is supposed to give a good bite. No black widows and whether the brown recluse is here is debatable. We do have gigantic wall-walkers but I've found that they keep down the population of the other spiders so I mostly ignore them. I truly hate it though when a spider gives me a shock. My advice to spiders is: Don't run at me, don't spook me and I won't smash you. I'm attracted to some of the spiders in the garden... there's one kind that has golden spots and another that seems to be all pale green. I don't let them touch me (duh) but they don't seem so creepy. I admit I like spider webs... especially when they're covered in dew. They're so beautiful.
I'm the same way. When I was little I'd run off screaming, but I'm also at the gasp stage. When I find them in my garden I'm always bending over pruning my tomatoes when I come face to face with the web and the spider. At this point the rush of fear that goes through me is awful and I can't help imagine that if I didn't look up to see the huge web and took one more step, my head would have done right through the web. Just saying it makes my skin crawl, ewwwwwwww!!!!!!
cavfancier wrote:Or Canada, your passport is most likely still good...
Don't forget Cav that I am in Canada and the spiders outside are pretty darm big. I suppose country life has it's down sides as well. If those things were in the house I wouldn't be able to live here, lol!
Rae wrote:Jeez.....and I thought I was paranoid!
I swear, Montana ~ they truly are more afraid of you than you are of them.
I don't know about that Rae. If anything, I think the fear is atleast equal for both me and the creepy crawlers, LOL!
Hey, here's another reason not to go to Ozland:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Runs away screaming!!!!
Montana, yeah, I have seen some pretty big spiders here, but generally not of the poisonous variety...mostly those giant but harmless wolf spiders that hang around docks and gardens. I should mention, they are not venomous, but some people do have allergies to their bite.
I hear ya Cav, unfortunately it's just their looks that send shivers down my spine, yuk!
Here's a website of the big scary and the one dangerous spider that exists in western Washington. If you can put up with the giant wall-walkers, they will keep the dangerous spiders type under control.
Tegenaria agrestis vs Tegenaria gigantea
Pick up a spatula, collect yourself, look that spider in it's many eyes and calmly say: "Who's the predator now...."