All right, let's look at the lighter side of tampering with nature. Genesplicing, cloning, immortality... Sure, none of us want a sudden plague of giant gila monsters, or carrots that are smarter than we are, but there must be some practical, or at least properly whimsical use for this new technology. I figure if the human race is doing it, there must be an itch we want to collectively scratch. Maybe we just want to evolve a little faster. But what do we want exactly?
I offer the question: what do you think would be an improvement on our biological state. OK, no-death is the obvious one... but more than that. What new limbs do we? Is it time, for example for people to come with wheels instead of these silly leg/feet things? I mean, we don't make cars that waddle around the landscape and bump there shins... we know wheels are better than that; they're our (maybe) fourth great invention after all. What new organs would be an improvement on the set we currently have? Appliances, appendages... Give me your thoughts. I'll take anything from a 'Get out of here you nut!' to your treatise, 'gills, the pros and cons...'
Go for it friends...