dadpad wrote:I'm surprised at the attitude.
1. its against the law to speed because speeding endangers other road users.
That's the theory, but it's not necessarily true. If the arbitrary posted speed limit is set too low for the existing road conditions, exceeding it does not necessarily "endanger" other drivers. In fact, if you are keeping up with traffic and everyone is exceeding the speed limit, I would argue you are "endangering" other drivers if you drive at a lower speed. Traffic that is moving along, but suddenly slows down because of a slow driver causes quite a few accidents here where I live.
In fact, here in Arizona, the law doesn't say it's a violation of the law merely because you exceed the posted speed limit ... it says:
"A person shall not drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances, conditions and actual and potential hazards then existing."