Queensland at the moment. There were three people in my ward at Nambour hospital who clearly should have been in palliative care. One guy required two orderlies and two nurses for his daily bed change and turnover. He wasn't ever getting out of the system and he knew it. His skin was too frail to heal. Nice guy, but he really wasn't a "hospital case" if you get my drift.
Back to the thread, the PM assured everyone that he would be taking control of state-run hopitals, if the situation with waiting lists, etc. did not improve. I'd suggest he worries less about his international status as a mover and shaker on the environmental issues, and start tidying up our back yard.
I really like the Kevmeister, but he's not a diplomat now, he's our PM. I'd hazard a guess that he's spent more time abroad than at home. Charity starts at home, for mine. Fix our most pressing issues first, please. Those would be health, housing, and duplication of services. The amalgamation of councils showed us how top-heavy Australian public service workers are.
My suggestion for the health system is to train up those public servants that are now drawing a wage for doing bugger-all after the amalgamation, to slot into current hospital staff positions, as trouble-shooters, weeding out those who seem to like standing around with clipboards, looking important, while achieving next-to-nothing. And believe me, when you are lying on a guerney for six hours, getting jabbed with morphine, those individuals are not at all hard to pick from the determined workers.