Two more polls today? I guess he's be hoping one of them might be fractinally better than these 2 alreadydy? Grasping at straws.
Quote:I don't see a credible replacement for Turnbull on the Lib front bench.
Apparently we're about to see a reshuffle of the front bench. Wanna make any predictions?
Quote:You look at the libs in opposition and only Hockey looks like he's got the balls to take it on, but he hasn't got the brains. Abbott just makes my skin crawl. They are a party with a dearth of talent right now. That said, Howard had no talent and we were stuck with him for over a decade. They smell. Who's their up and comer? Chris Pyne the human weasel?
Abbott (the mad monk!) appears to be doing most of the talking to the media at the moment. "Defending" Malcolm.(ha!) I don't know what this means. I doubt the electorate would "warm" to him as new leader. I agree with you about Hockey & Pine. Lightweights. The Libs are probably desperately looking for their new, tough man (

) Howard replacement. So back to Abbott,again, hey?

I think they have quite a way to go before they fully recover from the "Howard legacy" & finally move on.
Quote:As has happened in many countries the party of the left has moved right which means the party of the right is squeezed to the margins and the nutjobs and idealogues are over-represented making it unelectable until the incumbent's mistakes and complacence make it lose an election rather than the opposition winning it.
Yep, agree with much of what you're saying, hinge. In Oz politics anyway, it's generally a tired, accident prone incumbent (government) which loses the election, rather than a resounding endorsement for a "fresh, new vision".

I'd say that Howard's far right agenda moved Labor far further right than many traditional supporters are comfortable with ... hence the rise of the Greens as an acceptable alternative for the disenchanted left of the party.