Maybe I should explain what I have going on here...
My application: Large Fish Tank Stand.
The vertical supports here may hold 1750 lbs each, but that's not really the issue; It's 2X4 A in the
graphic that I'm worried about. As the 2X4 frame sits
on top of the vertical supports, instead of between them, there are no fasteners holding any weight.
So we have 2100 lbs sitting on 2X4 A (and its unseen twin, 2X4 B) over a 72 inch span. I'm trying to figure out how and where to include cabinet doors in the design, but I can't place the doors untill I figure out how many more, if any, vertical supports are needed. (I want as few as possible.)
Here's the graphic:
An important consideration here is that this piece of furniture probably won't be moved for ten years, maybe even longer. Hopefully NEVER!
P.S. - Floor strength is not an issue. I was present during the construction of this room; it is a garage that was later converted into a family room. The floor under where I want this fish tank is 8" thick conctrete slab.