Thu 22 Nov, 2007 11:20 am
I guess you know you're out of touch with the Hollywood crowd when you find yourself sitting there rooting for the outright villains in movies.
I've caught myself doing that several times but Gangs might have been the most extreme case, i.e. rooting for the Daniel Day Lewis character. Anybody else ever find themselves doing that??
Nope, just you gunga din.
Kidding. Yeah, I did it when I watched "Training Day" - rooted for the bad guy.
I'm sure there have been other instances...
Loved The Gangs of New York, gunga, and Daniel Day Lewis was the consummate evil and didn't care that he was. It was intriguing, and although I didn't exactly root for him, I had to appreciate his performance.
Really mostly heist films where you are rooting for the crooks to get away with the loot -- like "The Italian Job" or David Mamet's "Heist." It's not confined to Hollywood, however, as I found myself want the thieves to get away with it in "Rififi," the Granddaddy of all heist movies and it's over 50 years old!
I rooted for Hans in the first Die Hard. No to sound too gay...but he was so dashing, debonair and deliciously handsome.