Tue 19 Aug, 2003 12:12 pm
4 Chicken breasts
8 oz. Whole wheat spaghetti
4 fresh zucchini, cut into 1/8 inch slices
Fresh basil - about 20 leaves, slivered
1 lemon
Olive oil
Bake chicken breast in the oven at 350F until done, about 30 minutes. Cook spaghetti according to instructions.
Add enough olive oil to saute pan to coat the bottom, heat over med-hi heat. When hot, add zucchini. Stir frequently until zucchini is soft. Add juice of one lemon and basil to zucchini and continue to heat for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
Add cooked spaghetti to zucchini and combine. Slice cooked chicken breast and add to zucchini mixture. Serve hot.
Sprinkle with salt and fresh ground pepper. Add some freshly grated parmesan if you're daring!
Serves 4