Re: The american way.
OGIONIK wrote:why is it we completely disregard the well-being of individuals in order to profit? is this the mindset i will have to "aquire" to become succesful in a capitalist society? At first i thought naw no way, i can keep my integrity and morals and still be successful. i can be ethical and still become wealthy, right?
Before money, there was barter. Even then I think people wanted the "better end of the deal." So, if a person wound up with an old goat, when he gave someone (for the old goat) five young chickens, someone got the better end of the deal. I think that desire is hardwired into our brains, as part of our survival instincts. So, today it has been abstracted to money.
And those who want to live comfortably, without the "rat race" for money often try to find a less competitive environment. They do exist; often it requires more education, or government jobs.
But, not everyone wants to be wealthy. If one desires wealth, then that desire, I believe, just shows how effective our socialization process is, in that many of us want wealth, a priori, without question.
You should also look at the views of Max Weber. He wrote, Protestantism, and the Rise of Capitalism. There might be a religious impetus to the drive for profit (God's divine sign that one will have Salvation).