You are going to have the Rock of Honor. You'll be haloed by the rising moon and your howls are going to reverberate right up to the ozone layer.
Oh yeah, joining the pack for a good howl.
The moon understands. Damn right.
I will be arooing with you. Er, during the commercials.
Glad to have you.
We all have our priorities.
Marty, Squinney, Jes--
My ghouls are banished for the nonce and I'm better off without them.
What about you?
Feeling somewhat flattened after an unscheduled howl...but I'll probably sleep well tonight.
Noddy, got any more ghosts to throw off a ferry?
I wonder if we could howl on a ferry?
I'm feeling better already!
Aroo'd but the Pats were still -- argh.
Tai Chi--
I'm glad we were available for you to join us.
A thread from Marty in Relationships got me thinking about the differences between mental ghosts and mental ghouls. Ghosts you can placate and banish by giving them a taste of the balance they crave.
Ghouls....not so easy to get rid of...and much more dangerous. A ghost isn't necessarily a pleasant mental house guest, but a ghoul saps energy and self confidence and the hope that tomorrow will be an improvement.
I don't know why we couldn't howl on the ferry--providing the moon is auspicious. I like to think of the banished ghosts and ghouls and Beasts that Go Bump stranded over running water, subject to shore winds and the tides.
Let's add howling to the summer schedule.
The Full Moon in June is Friday, June 13.
Now that is a moon I won't miss
I hope you join us before June.
February full moon is on February 18th--a Monday.
+After a good amount of howling I went to the laundry room. You know how sometimes just the little things bring a smile to your face? Well, I looked at the dirty laundry pile and appreciated the fact that I didn't have two shirts taken off together and inside out to seperate or a bunch of socks to turn outside in.
You're healing. Good.
Keep holding.
Full Moon on Monday, February 18.
Squinney's kidney stone needs a bit of howling.
I've got a lot of Last Month of Winter frustration that has to go.
Anyone else?
Oh yeah. Lots of last month of winter frustration. A bit ago I said I can take cold weather if there's at least snow on the ground. Nature called my bluff. There's snow on the ground, and I'm still totally sick of winter.
When looking up the full moon for February, I found that the full moon is on the 20th and that there will be a total lunar eclipse. Waxing gibbous and waning gibbous will come the day before and the day after.
I wonder if the coyotes will howl during the eclipse? Maybe they'll howl even more, asking where the full moon went.
No matter, I'll be joining you for a howl. It is one of the best ways to rid yourself of irritants, nasties and resentments that have held sway for far too long. Why do we hang on to them, knowing that they are damaging, knowing that we are only hurting ourselves, knowing that, after a long time, they become like a cancer, spreading hatred until there is nothing left of what makes us beautiful. That is a lesson that took me a long time to learn.
Howl away, heal and stand up to those old hurts. I love it.
Howling is good aerobic exercise. Aroo your way to tighter abs! Hey, I should be on an infomercial.
You and The Old Farmer's Almanac agree on the 20th. I was betrayed by my Solnar Tables. I'm much sounder on symbolism than astronomy.
The 20th will mark the end of the second month of winter.
I'll howl for a bit to frighten your local microbes.
Sometimes a woman gets tired of roaring and needs to howl.
I'm with you gals - will be oh so howling with the A2Kers. Really need to get rid of Squinneys Rock - send that to the Dark Side of the Moon and beyond I reckon, if thats OK.

All other irritants and nasties can be banished too.