Are we going to synchronize our watches to begin howling together?

I'll e ready around 9:00 p.m. PST. whoo hoo
Noddy24 wrote:Howling tonight.
Mame has celebrating to do.
I'm congratulating myself on having survived the first month of winter.
All are welcome--to vent or to celebrate.
Full moon tonight? That explains much.
Oh, tonight is the night!
I'll howl time delayed then - more a celebration than venting.
I'll be howling in my head.
Out loud howls make me cough
I just Aroo'd. Pretty loudly. I hope I scared the neighbors.
I'll let Yma Sumac 'howl' for me...
I have a cd by her... more animal sounds than in what I find on Youtube..
"The Ultimate Yma Sumac Collection", with 21 tracks.
Managed to howl at moonrise and moon set. The moonlight was beautiful on the snow--a good light for celebration.
See you all on February 18--unless anyone has troubles to consign to the dark of the moon on February 3.
I may well have some candidates who would improve with a little benighting.
Beautiful full moon here last night. Low clouds blew quickly past wearing their finest blue gray.
May we all have celebrations for the next gathering. And, clear throats for venting if we need to.
Beautiful Montana Moon.....
Edit [Moderator]: Image converted to a link
Tomorrow, Sunday, February 3, is the Dark of the Moon and a good time for howling.
My vagrant mind has allowed several unpleasant people from my past to surface and dominate my memory. Come tomorrow night, these shadows are going to be banished.
I'm also hanging on to a double-handful of petty grudges--and seething resentment is not good for my serenity.
In my latitude, the moon will rise about 5 in the afternoon, EST.
Anyone with exorcisms to perform is welcome to join me--or you can balance the ritual by howling with jubilation.
You are most welcome. Bring a big pushbroom for clearing your mind--and an old tooth brush to get rid of the qualms hiding in the corners.
I'm SO not gonna miss tomorrow night. I may even start early.