Thu 8 Nov, 2007 06:13 am
I have had a Rainsoft "Water Treatment System" softener that is about 3 years old. for the first couple years, it worked fine, but for the last few months, our water hasn't seemed the same. Right after we bought it I realized we were a victim of the sales pitch due to our naivety. I tried to cancel, but since it was past the 3 days, it was too late. I'm not excited about asking the company that sold me the unit for advice on how to adjust the system, assuming the water supply has changed, or our resins have failed. I am expecting that even a phone call to them will result in the need for someone to come out and charge me for listening to my problems even thought there is a "lifetime warranty". the softener is a Gold Series, and it is the softener only. I'll attach a pic if needed. I recently switched to block salt from pellets and thought that was the issue. I pulled the blocks out and re-filled with pellets and did a manual regen, thinking that after a couple of days, we would hopefully be back to soft water. That hasn't happened and it's been about 10 days. I used one of the hardness test strips that was in the packet from Rainsoft and it indicates that we are at about 50 ppm, or halfway between soft and hard water.
I'm looking for some suggestions on low cast impact improvments I can make, assuming again that a service call from the dealer will be costly.
A warranty is not the same as a guarantee. And unless a guarantee covers service call charges AND labor, there's always going to be an expense for problems with the equipment if it doesn't work correctly.
Have you ever allowed it to run out of salt?
When you put the 50 lb blocks in, did you disconnect any tubing or clean the brine tank at all? If so you may have an air suction leak instead of the unit sucking heavy salt brine out of the tank.
How much water is in the brine tank?
It hasn't ever run out of salt. During the regeneration cycle, the tank fills ~2/3 full of water. Right now, not in a regen cycle it has about 3"-4" of water in it.
No cleaning or disconnecting of anything so far. Just adding salt when it needs it.
If the unit was set up with Pre brine refill, then what you've described is normal.
You can do two manual regens one right after the other with as little if any water use between them and see if that gets you back to 0 gpg soft water.
If not then a service is the only thing I can think of. Maybe your hardness has increased and the control needs to be reprogrammed for the harder water; that would be proven after getting soft water after the two manual regens IF the water goes hard again.
Check the beginning of user manual, it usually recommends to service the regeneration valve (cleaning) every three years. This could be an issue.
Abe G