What a colossal blunder. It never occurred to the hippies to check at the airport to see if there were earlier flights? Have they never seen this show? Now they're three hours behind and will have an extra thing to do.
Glad the arguers managed to screw up and didn't finish first. So he can't watch out the window and listen to her at the same time. Some people are simply not ambidextrous.
She, on the other hand, is as strong as an ox and has a nose like a bloodhound--and the disposition of a tasmanian devil. Whatta goil.
Nicholas is really taking up the slack for his grandpa. I'm rooting for these two.
Father and daughter first again. I like her.
I'm sure that there will be a great equalizer at some point. Airport? Something not open? There will be something. And all the teams will be tied again. Hurry, grandpa, hurry.