Shifting/ new paddles
Rockhead wrote:I prefer the smaller paddles, as once you are used to them, finding them is not an issue. I don't like a lot of clutter in the steering wheel area to interfere with driving.
Would suggest finding someone else with the aftermarket bigger paddles on their vehicle to see if you really like them before popping for them.
As to using them, practice makes perfect.
Well been using the paddles at full and half throdle and seems to be working great. The one thing I've noticed there is a couple second lag between gears, but from what I hear that is normal. ( Do the Ferrari's have the same lag? ) I doubt it,just courious.
Is there any tuning that can be done for that lag, Ie: Like the Preditor programer that alot of these companies have ?
Now as far as the shiftrs are concerned the ones I''m talking about are the ones from West Coast corvettes which use the stock paddles, but modified them so the right side shifts up and the left side down which seems more convienant and easier to do.
The only reason I guess I'm leaning towards the paddles are, they have been times where I will hit the down shift twice instead of hitting the + to shift up, but I guess thats me not thinking.
Anyway thanks for the info, andI guess I just have to look more into it.
Thanx picture man