I am not sure what 'commercial' applications you had alluded to. I must have missed that. I believe you said you have a "private well".
As far as Kinetico and commercial applications, any dealer is welcome and many do actually treat not only commercial applications but industrial as well. I personally have treated housing developments, restaurants, motel/hotel, camp grounds, and other public water systems under the watchful eye of the USEPA and other government agencies. So I am not sure why that was stated or where that information was secured. Curious!
My present company has two, full-time commercial-industrial personnel.
Likewise, the dealer takes all the responsibilities as well as profits from such enterprises.
Municipal equipment is often referred to Kinetico HQs for guidance and assistance, but no rule prevents dealers from entering the arena.
Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizer and is effective in water treatment. A little researc, which you seemed to have already done, is advisable.
That is not to say there are other methods to sanitize/disinfect that have both advatanges and problems and or by-production that should be considered.
It is true that certification is no guarantee and that doctors in remote parts of the world with little more than basic education can be more than adequate for the tasks at hand. And, I have had personal experpiences with highly educated persons who performed very badly.
But to glibly discard all diplomas, certificates and awards as flim-flam is well, normally done by those who care little for qualifiying or have been unable to do so. And, IMO, he who does achieve a high success at one's own whit (and my hat's off to him), you may note that he does little to degrade those who wish to elevate their education, because he would be professional and accept his station in life as he would toward others in thiers.
Andy Christensen, CWS-II