nimh wrote:2PacksAday wrote:I have heard of the book, not read it though...there is another called Murder in Little Egypt, {can find it on Amazon} never read it either, but I've heard it was good as well.
Hey thats funny - I'd never heard of a town called Cairo, IL, but just today I was reading some article about Obama, who visited Cairo once, and there was a throw-away reference to the town having a seriously troubled race history - whats that all about?
Everyone should, if given the chance, visit beautiful downtown Cairo.
I have a friend that lives in Surrey...Vancouver area...and he is your typical Canadian, fairly open minded, liberalish....and quite pale. He came for a visit about a year and a half ago, and we toured the local country, including Cairo...he had heard me talk about it many times, and wanted to see if I was pulling his leg about how bad the town had deteriorated. He found out very quick, that I was on the level with everything that I had told him. Even the fact that the town is literally falling into the river, we got some nice pictures of a very deep sink hole in the middle of the street. He is a member of this site, I'll see if I can get him to give you an unbiased opinion of the city.
If you read the link that Chai posted, that pretty much covers the real reason the town failed....integration simply did not take, the white folks refused to allow it to happen, the black folks refused to accept it, neither side gave any ground....and the city fell apart. This mostly happened before my time, but the after effects...racial ripples....were still going strong while I was high school and shortly after. I do remember the principal telling his senior class to...get the hell out.
There are two other cities nearby...Mounds and Mounds City, that are quite similar....I would have taken my Canadian friend up there I have previously stated, I am really uncomfortable in IL....and no not because of the people, because of the 5-0.
In that link there is a picture of a concrete structure near a body of water, it's supposed to represent a tug sits on the confluence of the Ohio and the Miss, at a place called Fort Defiance, which is actually a state park, but besides some picnic tables, and a few trash cans, that's all that is there. Most springs, the water level gets very high and you can not access the park at all, without a boat. The point, as we call it, is one of my favorite places on earth....honestly it's drab even in the spring or summer, in winter it is downright ugly, but it's a very peaceful place, where you can observe the power of nature...them's some big ass rivers hoss.
One thing of interest about Cairo that has been in the news a lot lately...the city council/mayor....I won't go into the details, but there is a constant power struggle over there....over what? you might ask...mainly over paychecks. The council members receive 800.00 per month each...if of course they make it to the meetings, and I believe the mayor gets an even a town that is the definition of poor/ranshackeld, and in dire need of...something...I don't even know where to begin on fixing the city....they dole out huge sums of cash each month for....basically nothing.