Sat 6 Oct, 2007 12:39 pm
Last nite I watched the Discovery Times Channel.
It presented an analysis of the piracy of 9/11,
( or multiple piracies thereof )
combined with a series of interviews of surviving relatives
of the kidnapped victims ( who had been in contact
by fone with their relatives on the hijacked planes )
during the attacks upon the WTC.
The surviving relatives told of receiving fone calls
from the planes wherein the victims spoke in
sad states of soft and quiet docility, peacefully accepting
the ambient state of affairs, with some female screams
audible in the background.
As we know, of the 4 hijacked planes,
only the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93
fought back and retook the plane.
The spirit of General George Patton was manifested
in the heros of United Airlines Flight 93;
thay knew that victory was to be found in COUNTERATTACK,
in merciless counterattack,
disabling and killing the alien malefactors, and avenging the murdered flight crew.
Thay became a de facto " well regulated militia " ( having no taint of government control ).
Of the remaining 3 planes,
1 hit each of the Twin Towers and the 3rd hit the Pentagon.
Thru the heroism of the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93,
only that plane of the 4,
avoided hitting a high value target ( the White House ? Congress ? )
Of course, on all of the planes, the airlines had
executed the spirit and the letter of gun control,
disarming all of the victims, who were killed in their helplessness
a few minutes thereafter
( the passengers of United 93 being reduced to using a food cart
as their weapon, in their desperation ).
I wish, with all my heart, that the passengers on all of the planes had succeeded
in violating all of the gun control laws and had smuggled plenty of personal firepower
on board, using it to put the brakes on the Moslems when the time came.
( My own taste goes to short-barrelled caliber .44 special revolvers,
loaded with hollowpointed slugs, with W-I-D-E cavities. )
Even when United Airlines Flight 175 went into a power dive,
a very steep power dive, toward the Southern Tower, the passengers
( who vastly outnumbered the evil Moslems ) persisted in their pacifistic, humble submission
to the wishes of the Moslems, to whose discretion thay meekly confided their destiny.
Defects of liberal pacifism, of the cowardly spirit of gun control, and of political correctness ?
Surely the Moslem predators must have been very happy
with the absence of resistance in 3 of those planes; don 't u think ?
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
The Moslems cud not have succeeded without the co-operation of their victims
( who were quite polite ).
I found it a source of shock & chagrin,
as a natural born American citizen,
that in only one of the 4 pirated jets,
did my fellow Americans opt to fight back.
In the other 3 planes,
the politically correct spirit of liberal tolerance of aliens,
and the spirit of gun control
( that means disarming the victims before the predatory event )
were flourishing, to the benefit of the alien predators.
Defeating our Moslem enemies was to be found in co-ordinated and focused MALICE ,
tangibly executed malice, against our enemies on the planes,
as was successfully applied in United 93.
Quad Est Demonstratum:
the penalty for OBEYING gun control laws is DEATH, with no appeal.
Does this prove a need to instill CHARACTER in the young
in American schools ?
Does this prove a need to teach the young in American schools
that FREEDOM and HONOR have greater value than life itself ?
Does this prove a need to teach young American citizens
the value of fighting back and teach the disgrace of cowardice ?
Does this prove a need to instill in the young in American schools
a knowledge of the value of being armed in public at all times
and to be prepared to defend oneself
( prepared by abundant practice at weekly classes
in gunnery ranges of American public schools, in accurate
and safe firearms handling ) if the occasion therefor arises ?
Shud American public schools be required to teach armed battle tactics ?
You sure are one crazy F-tard. Thankfully, most Americans like you are confined in state hospitals or jails (or the White House!) Please pour yourself a brimming glass of STFU. Do it now!
I am glad u r in France;
a good place for u.
Direct your ad hominem acrimony to the Marquis de Sade.
Let us know how your relationship with him works out.
my understanding of the situation is as follows, the passengers on flight 93 were fully aware of the events surrounding the other three planes by the time they took action, this was most likely not the case with the second world trade center plane or the pentagon plane
from wikipedia:
Before the September 11, 2001 attacks, plane crews advised passengers to sit quietly in order to increase their chances to survive. An unofficial protocol emerged, in which civilians and government authorities understood that in most cases violence from the hijackers was unlikely as long as they achieved their goal (often, as during the rash of American incidents in the 1970s, a trip to Cuba).
Since the September 11 attacks, the situation for passengers and hijackers has changed. As in the situation of United Airlines Flight 93, where an airliner crashed into a field during a fight between passengers and hijackers, passengers now have to calculate the risks of passive cooperation, not only for themselves but for those on the ground. Future hijackers may encounter greater resistance from passengers, making a hijacking more unlikely but, if they happen, bloodier.
OmSigDAVID wrote:Some silly trash
I guess you must have some sand to pound? Maybe in Iraq?
Quote:I wish, with all my heart, that the passengers on all of the planes had succeeded
in violating all of the gun control laws and had smuggled plenty of personal firepower
on board, using it to put the brakes on the Moslems when the time came.
Ah yes, I can just see it now "Hello hostess. Look, I've just got this AK47 that I need to bring in my carry-on luggage. I know there's not much room, but you don't mind do you? I mean, it's my right under the constitution to bear arms you know. I mean, there could be terrorists on board....what? No no, I'm not a terrorist, just because I look middle eastern.... Keh, what do you mean what religion am I. Why I'm muslim, but hey you can't discriminate against my race nor religion you know, or I'll sue your company for everything it's worth."
There are good reasons for banning on planes. One wrong shot can kill every person on board.
My understanding of Air Marshalls is they have very exacting standards of accuracy, a small caliber weapon (and I daresay they are trained only to take shots in certain directions - away from the fuselage)
End result would be many more planes falling out of the sky. In fact, once the first suicidal maniac blew a plane out of the sky, then, as appears to be the way of things, lots of copycat acts would follow.
contrex wrote:OmSigDAVID wrote:Some silly trash
I guess you must have some sand to pound? Maybe in Iraq?
Your guess is rong.
I withdrew my support from the war in Iraq,
as of the time that Saddam was captured.
Enuf is enuf.