Cav, My computer is a work in progress. I'll have a sound card next week. Then I'll listen.
Thanx for the link, Cav. I've heard Amy's inimitable mom on NPR a couple of times ["...Amelah, I was reading in the paper this morning..."]. It's good to know I can now dial up this priceless lady at will.

From the homepage...I especially like 'Lambskin Condoms'. Roboita, the links will still be here when you have yer sound card
red is a gang colour.
i laughed so hard, i nearly P'd.
I think I may have to order those.
It's Mrs. L. come to life again.
Cav, I won't forget to check out the link as soon as I can. Denks.
It's unfortunately only in German, but this could be of some interest to "the Baltics" here:
Jews in the Baltic in the second half of 19th and the first half of 20th century
Couldn't understand a word, Walter. But thanks for thinking of us.
Oy, those Goimans, always on about the Jews....
My father once got in a parking space argument with a guy, and the guy began hollering about
"Youwityerdoitynatzicah ! ! ! "
The argument ground to a halt, as my father said: "Huh? My what?"
"Yadoitynatzicah . . . that, that Muhsaydeeze . . ."
Then they both broke up laughin' . . .
They just ran the entire second season of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' last night, including several of my favorite episodes, including the one when Larry goes to a premiere and is whistling Wagner. A guy approaches him and says "Excuse me, are you Jewish?" A hilarious argument ensues about Larry being a self-loathing Jew for whistling Wagner....great episode.
Like a black person whistling Dixie? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm - makes you think, doesn't it? heeheheheeheheheheheeh ahem...
Hey, Larry David created 'Seinfeld' and plays himself in the series....need I say more? Funny as hell...
LOL! I have SEEN it, Cav! Lightwizard put me onto it, and I discovered it was showing over here. Love it. I was laughing WITH you!
Viele Danke, Walter, für das "Link". Sehr interesant.
"Many thanks, Walter for the link. Very interesting."
Am I close?
Not only close, but correct, cav

Mrs. cav speaks some German...maybe I picked some up

Or, maybe it was just an easy one....
It was an easy one, Cav. Even I figured it out. But the link? Fuggedaboudit.