Roberta wrote:
My Aunt Bessie once said that a schlemiel was a shmoe with ear flaps.
You probably all know the story of Peter Schlemihl? (I still remember that I saw it on tv - in black and white - one christmas eve ... )
Well, this name/person doesn't much reference to its Yiddish meaning.
Chamisso heard the term through Itzig, the Berlin banker, to whom Heine was indebted for his interpretation of the word.
(Itzig was an old friend of the author Chamisso; Heine, a famous German poet and "freedom fighter" wrote some explaining about 'schlemihl'.
[According to Heine ("Jehuda-ben-Halevy"), it is derived from the Bible name "Shelumiel," owing to the fact that the person transfixed by the spear of Phinehas for incontinence with the Moabite woman (Num. xxv. 6) was so killed by mistake.]