Just a few ideas, off the top of my head ....
I like Soz's idea of reading a story ... dramatically!
How about interviewing someone the local kids would be interested in? Some local "celebrity" perhaps?
Some music breaks. (Thinking: what sort of music would kids this age like?)
A pet section? Perhaps a local vet/trainer talking to kids about how to look after their pets. Any chance of a bit of "talkback Q & A with kids ringing in with their questions?
Maybe a film review, or a book review, a television program review? ... gives you a chance to share the work with studio guests & have conversations, rather than the pressure of you talking for a whole hour. That's a long time for one person.
All of these could be based on your chosen theme, of course. But it sure helps to have helpers & other folk sharing the mic with you!
Anyway, I'd basically break up the time with different activities, even if you're not too excited by the ones I've suggested. Kids love variety.