Apparently it got down 8 degrees last night (first time since I got here that it's got to single figures)
Cold weather not over yet
Thomas Chamberlin
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
© The Cairns Post
Original story
THE cold snap will peak today after parts of the Far North yesterday experienced temperatures well below average.
Lockhart River dropped to a chilly 10C yesterday morning - 9C below average.
But it was still above the lowest temperature recorded in the Cape community - 3.3C in 1965.
Forecasters were predicting an even "colder snap" today with Cairns expecting its coldest temperature for 2008 at 11C.
Forecaster Michelle Hollister said July was typically the coldest month but low temperatures could also happen in August.
"It is still quite possible we will get a colder snap," she said yesterday.
"A cold pool which originated over Queensland is being dragged up to the northern tropics by a southerly flow resulting from a high pressure ridge.
"It is still quite possible we will get a colder snap. It's drying out the air which allows us to get cooler at night."
Ms Hollister said temperatures closer to the long-term average minimum for August, of 17C, should be expected by the weekend.
I actually wore clothes to bed (I never did that even in Canberra).